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Showing posts with label Valentine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentine. Show all posts

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Valentine's Day | Love Banner Printable

Valentine's Day | Love Banner Printable

As I mentioned, I have been inspired to add a few small Valentine's Day decor to our house. I decided to create a cute and simple banner for our Wood & Wire Display

I decided to add blue font to my banner since our display is in the dining room and the main color is blue. I think it helps tie into the room without looking overly cheesy as some valentine's decor can.

Maternity Photoshoot

Jute Wrapped Vase


I am offering the banner as a FREE printable for you all and would love to see how you display it in your home or where ever! I suggest printing on card stock as usual for durability and better quality.

Download here

Sharing at: RemodelaholicMade In A Day
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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Valentine's Day | Pretzel Sticks + FREE Printable

Valentine's Day | Pretzel Sticks + FREE Printable

I normally don't do anything special for my students on Valentine's Day but I felt inspired since I had left over candy melts from our baby shower that didn't get used and figured this was the best excuse to make my last class something. I decided to do dipped pretzels sticks as they looked easy enough and wouldn't require much time or effort.

All I needed for this sweet and salty snack was candy melts, pretzel rods and sprinkles (optional).

I began by following the directions on the back of the candy melts bag for melting. I put the melts in a tall thin container to make the dipping process easier. I dipped and swirled each pretzel rod and held it upside for a few seconds to have the excess drip off.

I first sprinkled a few rods straight with the sprinkle container but found too much sprinkle was coming out so I decided to hand sprinkle each rod instead but to each their own on this step.


Finally, after the dipped rods had time to dry I began my assembly process of putting a rod in a sandwich Ziploc bag and attaching a printable I created for my students. A printable I am offering to you for FREE (check the bottom of this post).

Download here

I hope you found inspiration for your students or for your child's classmates; your child could definitely help with the process and making the gift so much more meaningful. I would love to see pictures of how you decorated your pretzel rods for Valentine's Day as well if you care to share!

ps. please excuse the horrible lighting, I was working on this for my students late at night.

Sharing at: RemodelaholicMade In A DayPinterventures
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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Valentine's Day | Outfit Ideas

Valentine's Day | Outfit Ideas

Anthony and I normally don't do anything too fancy on actual Valentine's Day because we don't like dealing with the crowds. Our usual spot to celebrate is Olive Garden and they don't take reservations so we normally go on another day to celebrate or cook something similar at home. One year Anthony went all out and recreated the salad and breadsticks for us, it was amazing. I am not sure what we will be doing this year, if we do anything at all but that hasn't stopped me from outfit scheming.

My first option has a classy feel to it with the delicate pearls and light pink shade. I most likely will wear this one with the cognac flats but thought it would be nice for yall to see it with wedges for you non-preggos.

Classy Option 1

Classy Option 2

Something about the classy outfit seems so timeless and sweet to me, maybe it's the pink. My next option is the complete opposite with the zipper joggers paired with a striped tee and blazer. This outfit was fun to come up with and would make me feel edgy if I were to try this one. 


The third option I created, I was going for a sexy vibe and something about red, leather and leopard screams that to me. This option could be switched around by adding a leopard clutch or heels instead of the scarf or maybe leather leggings if your shirt is long enough to cover yourself (save that type of sexy for the bedroom ladies, we are not interested in what undies you are or are not wearing).


Due to my feet hurting so easily, I most likely will stick with Classy Option 1 for my Valentine's Day look but I hope you were able to grab inspiration and can pull an outfit together whether your enjoying a meal with your lover or your girlfriends.
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Monday, February 8, 2016

Valentine's Day | love you more Printable

Valentine's Day | love you more Printable

I don't normally decorate our house for Valentine's day or really any holiday other than Christmas and Thanksgiving. However, this year I have been kinda feeling the Valentine's day spirit (maybe because it's our last one alone) and thought I would create a simple printable that can be displayed for the holiday and long after Valentine's day. This simple little saying is something Anthony and I say to each other everyday and thought it was the perfect personalized quote for us to display in our room. I also thought it would be nice to share with you guys for free!

The size is 4x4 and can be used to display in a frame on a shelf or nightstand or can even be used as a gift tag by hole punching on top and putting a string through. I would suggest printing on cardstock for a more sturdy high quality look.

Download here
I hope you enjoy this little printable and stay tuned for a few more Valentine's Day ideas I have coming up!
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