When you look at these "rules" they don't really work for every outfit. Sometimes you have to try and see if it works for you because after all not everyone has the same style. We are all unique and what I like may not be what you like or vice versa. Or heck I may like mixing colors one day and the next swearing against it.
Fashion should be about how we feel in what we are in, not dressing to impress.
Side note: obviously certain situations may not apply like interviews, meeting patents, etc . Your not gonna wear your pjs and uncombed hair to meet the parents well maybe no pjs because who am I kidding I never comb my hair in the mornings.
My point is if you like it and it makes you feel great wear it!
For example, another big no no of mine was mixing color. The only way two different colors could be brought out was if one accessory had all the colors in it. But now I am enjoying random pops of color, it makes me feel amazing being able to mix colors in a fashionable way (at least to me).
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