How is it that one month has already gone by? My little love has been around one whole month. I have been a momma one whole month. People were not kidding when they said time will fly before our eyes. I'm so glad, I took daily photos and posted them on my instagram (if you aren't already following me, you should(:) and my what a big difference in my sweet little girl. I feel like she isn't so little anymore and she is only a month old!! What am I gonna do when she is 1 or 15??? I don't even want to think about that!
So what have I learned now that I have one month of motherhood under my belt? Um, selflessness. If I am being honest I am (was?) a selfish person, it is (was?) one of my biggest faults. At times when Sophia is just crying and screaming and I am exhausted beyond measure and can't figure out why this little person cries, I want to give up and just let her cry (and sometimes I do but I only last for maybe a minute) and I look at her in her eyes and take a deep breath and I just hug her and love on her. I may not be able to always know why she cries (I don't think she even knows) but I do what I would want my mom to do if I was crying; I hug on her and I love on her and I nurse her even if I just nursed her ten minutes ago and I'm sore but I know that it is a soothing mechanism for her. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't and we just circle around until I can get my sweet little baby to calm down. So saying all that, I learn selflessness. I put my exhaustion, my soreness, my laziness aside for this sweet little girl of mine.
I mean look at that face, how could you not bend over backwards to make this little thing happy?
One Month Stats
Weight: 9 pounds 3 ounces
Height: 21 inches
Head Circumference: 14.02 inches
Daddy singing Rock-a-bye Baby
Being held
Going on walks
Diaper changes (most of the time)
Waiting to eat
Being cold
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