To help me stay accountable, I decided to share my newly vowed healthy lifestyle by documenting it here on a weekly basis. I hope you decide to follow along so we can cheer each other on and be an inspiration for one another! You can also follow along on Instagram with #howstormiegothergrooveback or on Snapchat (stormieariel).
I know I have been MIA with my workouts or running/walking schedule but that doesn't mean I am not keeping up with them. Anthony started school two weeks ago and we had a mini vacation before school started for him so things have been a little busy. I don't remember the exact dates for everything but we typically go walking every other day or so and run at least twice a week. I know what days our runs are on because I track everything with my Nike+ Run Club app (Feel free to add me as I am also looking for new running friends). I have been lacking in doing strength training as all my focus has been on building my stamina for long distance running. I need to start strength training again though as I know it will help me even more especially with leaning out.
Week 7
Sunday - Interval Run
Monday -
Tuesday - Interval Run
Wednesday -
Thursday -
Friday - Rest Day
Saturday - Walk
Week 8
Sunday -
Monday - Interval Run
Tuesday -
Wednesday -
Thursday - Interval Run
Friday - Rest Day
Saturday - Walk
Week 9
Sunday -
Monday - Interval Run
Tuesday -
Wednesday - Walk
Thursday - Interval Run
Friday - Rest Day
Saturday - Skipped
The days I left blank are the days I am unsure of, it was either a walk day or a rest day but I am so happy I have been keeping up with my interval running. When I first started my interval running it looked something like this:
Walk .25 miles
Run .25 miles
Walk .25 miles
Run .25 miles
Walk .5 miles
For Week 9, I pushed my self a bit further and ran a little more than .25 miles during the running interval and decreased my walking to below .25 miles. I am not sure the exact mileage point as I use structural markers at the trail to help me push myself. Right now I am at the point of pushing myself past the mile marker and running to the "D" in the Dream Structure. My next goal is to run to the flag poles and hoping to be able to do that soon. My ultimate goal is to run a 5k nonstop and I am not concerned with speed at this point, only distance. However making these mini goals is helping me stay motivated as I can check each small goal off my list and feeling accomplished instead of focusing on the bigger goal as that can be discouraging if you only focus on the big goal and don't realize the small progress is still progress. So this week I challenge you to break up your ultimate goal into smaller, more achievable goals.
Have ya'll been keeping up with your new healthy lifestyle? What is your ultimate goal? What is your trick in helping you stay motivated?
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