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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Remembering Milestones with Milestone World

This post was created in partnership with Milestone World but all thoughts and opinions are of my own.

Hey guys! It's been a while since we last chatted. Let me explain my absence a bit. If you remember from this post I gave extra income ideas as I was playing with ways to make money since our family was downsizing to one income. Obviously when Sophia was born that happened. 

At the beginning of this year, I started babysitting at home and it has been a challenge as I'm use to Sophia's independence and when I finally have a breather I just want to curl up on the couch with a good book which is what I have been doing (many book reviews to come). However this has gotten me behind on my monthly updates of Sophia.

My little girl is 11 months old and I need to type up her 10 month post for last month and her 11 month post for this month and take her 11 month photo update.

When I was introduced to the Milestone World, I knew it was something I could benefit off of as we mommies tend to get busy. We obviously want to remember milestones but it can be hard to make time to jot it down in the baby journal or draft a blog post.

These Milestone cards have all the milestones  prewritten in each card for the toddler years (I can't believe my baby is going to be a toddler). At the bottom of each card there is a spot to write the date and bonus points if you get your kid in a picture holding the card but if not you still have the date and card to remember that sweet Milestone.

What I also like is the box the Milestone cards come in is durable and reusable. Perfect place to continue to store the cards instead of having to find a binder or another box. They also make Milestone cards for babies! While I would love to continue to do monthly updates for all my children, I think it'll be more realistic to get a pack of those whenever we have more children.

How do you remember your children's Milestone? Do you use Milestone cards?
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