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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Babyshowers | Little Love

Babyshowers | Little Love

It is no secret Little Love is already loved so much by so many people. We were blessed to be able to have two. TWO. babyshowers for this sweet little girl. Our family and church gave us one. Instead of doing two separate post, I decided to hold off until all babyshowers were complete before sharing as why it has taken so long to put this post together. 

Co-Ed Family & Friends Babyshower

I will start with our family and friends babyshower. This shower was hosted at our house which we thought would be a great idea as we wouldn't need to transport the gifts and while that was convenient, preparing for the babyshower wasn't. It was very stressful trying to get the house all clean and straightened up beforehand, so I highly recommend not having your own shower at your own house unless you are able to hire a maid or have someone volunteer to clean for you.

My oh my were we surprised by how many people made it out to celebrate with us. We ran out of seating quickly but were overwhelmed with the love and support. 

We had our entryway table set up as the sign in as guest entered and had a few maternity photos and ultrasounds displayed here as well.

The opposite side is our dining room and we had the table set up as the gift table.

I created this onesie banner in Word and printed it out on specialty paper from Hobby Lobby. I love how it came out that I still have it hanging up.

Our kitchen table was set up as the food table.

Our cake came out better than we imagined and tasted so delicious, I will definitely be using the same person forever now. If you are in the Katy/Richmond area and are interested in my cake lady, let me know and I will give you her information.

While our gifts were dropped off in the dining room, we planned on opening them in front of everyone in our living room where there is a lot more space. All the little girl things were so precious and Little Love looks so adorable in her little clothes.

If you are interested in what types of games we played at this shower, you can refer to this post where I also provide a FREE printable.

Church Babyshower

The Women's Ministry in our church put together this babyshower for another expectant mom and myself. We were both due in March, her and her husband are expecting a babyboy. The ladies in our church did an amazing job at putting this beautiful shower together; it was so simple yet so elegant.

Gift Table
Food Table
Drink Station

A few of the ladies did a devotion and presented us with different items for our babies that went with a description and a scripture reference. Some of the items were a basket, baby blanket, toys, first catechism, etc. It was touching and I tried to hold it together and not look like an emotional mess, I think I did a good job.


Work Babyshowers

Originally, we were suppose to have a third and fourth shower thrown by my co-workers and another thrown by Anthony's co-workers but Little Love arrived the day before the third party was suppose to happen so we had to cancel both but that didn't stop our co-workers from reaching out to us in other ways and showering us and our little girl.

We are just overwhelmed by the love and support we have received and still receive and the generosity of everyone in our life is amazing. We could not be any more blessed to do life with these people in our church, our work place and our family & friends. God is so so good.

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Monday, March 28, 2016

Hunting Eggs | Easter 2016

Hunting Eggs | Easter 2016

Yesterday was Little Love's first Easter and although she was way too little (3 weeks old) to remember it, let alone participate in the usual kid Easter traditions such as dying eggs, smashing confetti eggs or going on an egg hunt, that didn't stop us from being corny and having an egg hunt just for her. Daddy was more than happy to oblige and helped Little Love find her eggs that grandma put together for her.

Side Note: These pictures only show a glimpse of how amazing Anthony is and I fall more and more in love with him with each passing day.

If only you could hear the conversation he was having with her, makes my heart melt (insert heart eyes emoji).
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Monday, March 7, 2016

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