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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 5: Sacrifice

With the approaching days of my two year anniversary of marriage to my wonderful husband, Anthony, I decided to do a mini-series sharing the things I love about him each day until April 2nd, our anniversary.

From the first time I met Anthony, he has always been selfless. When we were dating, we lived in a small town. There were not many food choices to choose from. I loved Whataburger at the time and the closet Whataburger was in another town. No matter the time of day if I told Anthony I was feeling Whataburger, he was always willing to drive me and pay (a plus in today's modern dating).

He puts others above himself in nearly everything.

In a more recent example is something so small. I went to the store and bought two Dr. Peppers, I accidently dropped one of them. When I returned home to let him know I dropped one, he immediately offered to drink the one that was shooken up so I could have the "better" one. However, I am trying to learn to be as selfless as my husband and ended up giving him the one that was not dropped and I drank the one I dropped.

My husband has taught me to be more selfless.

Anthony is not just selfless with me. If anyone ask him of anything, he is more than willing to help or do whatever if he is able to. Anyone who knows him, knows how selfless he is and that he does it out of love for others not to gain anything back.

Thank you for blessing me with such a sacrificing husband. For being my provider and always willing to serve than to be served. Thank you for using my husband to show me and to teach me how to be selfless myself. You are so good, Father. You know exactly what I need before I even know what's good for me. Each and everyday I see and understand more that you purposely created me to be Anthony's helpmate. You created such a wonderful relationship between us to glorify You. Teach us, Father. Lead us. Guide us to You more and more each day.

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