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Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Smell the Roses

Smell the Roses

A few days before Valentine’s Day, Anthony and I sat down to look at our finances. We have started seriously budgeting and wanted to be sure to stick with it even with this holiday approaching.
After bills were paid and savings set aside, we did not want this holiday to leave us broke for an entire week so we gave ourselves a tinsy budget. I told Anthony I didn’t need the expensive things to make me happy. I just wanted a nice dinner with him, roses and to have fun. I would rather collect memories with him than things.

Don’t get me wrong, things are nice to have but aren’t an essential. By finally getting serious about budgeting and reading some amazing blogs about thriftiness, I have a new take on things. I don’t want to worry about obtaining the newest thing.

I want to enjoy the time I have with my husband.

I want to create memories with him (sometimes that is hitting the thrift stores or the golf course or just staying home watching netflix).

I’m not perfect and sometimes I (ahem) whine when I don’t get what I want. Having stopped to smell the roses, I realize grass isn’t always greener on the other side (haha I used two cliché phrases in one sentence). This new time set aside for budgeting each week has created a stronger bond in our marriage. It is quality time well spent where we talk about our dreams and goals. I look forward to more of these moments of budgeting, laughing, and dreaming together.

Have you smelled the roses lately? Do you budget? What is your take on budgeting?

I am linking up with  A Wise Woman Builds Her Home and Yes, They Are All Ours.

P.S. I am making progress on one of my many projects, here is a sneak peak.
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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

& Many More: Friendship Pt. 2

& Many More: Friendship Pt. 2

With the approaching days of my two year anniversary of marriage to my wonderful husband, Anthony, I decided to do a mini-series sharing the things I love about him each day until April 2nd, our anniversary.
Not only am I able to confide in Anthony but I can just be myself with him.

We are so silly together.

There is no need to put on a front or act like someone I'm not.

We goof around with each other.
We laugh at each.
We just, plain ol', have a good time together.

Even in the midst of intense fellowship, he never fails to make me laugh at some point.

For our anniversary, we celebrated by going to Main Event. We played laser tag, bowling and I did a ropes course. It was a ton of fun! I made a collage of our night for you guys to enjoy.

Thank you for today. Thank you for these past two years of marriage to my best friend. I pray that not only can we individually be sanctified but together, in our marriage, we might also witness to others of YOUR amazing love for us, sinners.
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Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 7: Friendship Pt. 1

Day 7: Friendship Pt. 1

With the approaching days of my two year anniversary of marriage to my wonderful husband, Anthony, I decided to do a mini-series sharing the things I love about him each day until April 2nd, our anniversary.
My husband is my best friend. I can tell him anything without worrying of what he will say or if he will look at me differently.

Anthony is a great listen for when I'm feeling down and out. He also gives me great advice and encouragement when I need it.

He is my support system!

If I have a problem, he will help me solve it. Or if I just need to vent, he is there.

I can truly say, I have married my best friend!!

What a blessing it is to marry someone that is not only my friend but also my brother in Christ. Our friendship is amazing! Even better is our marriage with You as our foundation! Thank You for blessing us with such a sweet relationship. I pray that we do not set each as an idol but grow together towards You.

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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 6: Saturday Mornings

Day 6: Saturday Mornings

With the approaching days of my two year anniversary of marriage to my wonderful husband, Anthony, I decided to do a mini-series sharing the things I love about him each day until April 2nd, our anniversary.

One of my favorite days of the week is Saturdays. My husband is now off most Saturdays and we are able to sleep in and once we do wake up, we cuddle and watch cartoons together. It's a magical time and intimate time that we enjoy together!

I count down the days till Saturday.

For the day I wake up in my husband's arms and remain there until one of us decides to cook breakfast.

But boy, am I sad to see him leave Monday morning for work. I know he is doing it to provide for me and all but I long for the time we are back together at the end of the day.

I love every moment I have with my husband and I know he feels the same!
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Follow @stormieariel