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Sunday, September 28, 2014

DIY Fall Wreath

Last Spring, I created my own Spring wreath for half the price of others listed. I knew I had to create a Fall wreath on my own as well. I was in love with quite a few wreath inspirations that cost $45+ and was determined to cut that price in half for my DIY version.

I gathered my supplies from Garden Ridge which is now known as at home.

I already had the sunflowers and glue gun. I purchased the wreath, harvest bunch and burlap ribbon for about $15. #winning

I glued the flowers and ribbon on the exact same way I did for the DIY Spring Wreath. I also followed this tutorial to create the bow. It was super easy to follow and took less than 10 minutes.

In total, I completed this project in less than an hour. I may add a little something more down the road but as of now it couldn't be anymore perfect.
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