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Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Friday, October 28, 2016

How to Make a Tissue Paper Garland

How to Make a Tissue Paper Garland

Hey guys! Long time, no hear huh? Things have been crazy busy around here. Sophia is on the move and since being home from vacation, she picked up some not so nice habits of wanting to skip naps and sleep in our bed and wake up a million and one times throughout the night and not to mention the poor kid is still teething and not a single tooth has broke through yet! So this mama is tired and doesn't have the time to dedicate to blog as much as I wish I did. I have tons of ideas and I have photos for the posts, I just need to draft it but by time Anthony is home from work, it is straight school mode or we relax and enjoy each other's company. I mean you guys get it. Life happens and there are certain seasons you enter that are crazy hectic and exhausting but I wouldn't change this season we are in for the world. Being a mama is my dream and I am getting to live it and I love it with all it's challenges and rewards.

With all that said, I did manage to sneak some time for a Halloween tutorial, yay me! Honestly, this tutorial can be used for anytime or any occasion. The color of tissue papers you use is what makes it fit the occasion. For me, I created this purple and metallic silver garland for a Halloween movie night I hosted for my sister's 30th birthday. I wanted the decor to be simple yet fun so I decorated my TV dresser (we are using a dresser as our TV stand) as if it was a mantel because we don't have one and I provided a popcorn bar (I unfortunately did not get pictures of this because, let's be honest, I suck at this professional blogging thing. I did get inspiration from here so check Jessica's post if you are interested in how to set up a popcorn bar).

Anyways, this project was free for me because I am a tissue paper hoarder. I am that person that carefully opens gifts and folds all the tissue paper neatly and saves the gift bags/boxes to reuse and I am also that person that tells people to not rip the box or tissue paper that I put their gift in because I can still reuse it another time. Don't judge.

Tissue Paper (I used 4 sheets, 2 purple and 2 silver)
String (I used black twine)
Glue Gun
Glue Sticks

I broke the steps down and tried to make it as dummy proof as possible, I even contemplated making a video tutorial but with a talkative and active baby, I only get one shot so I didn't try but if your interested in that kind of thing, let me know in the comments and I will update the tutorial if needed!

The greatest part of this tutorial is it is basically free or cost very little money.

So be honest, who else is a tissue paper hoarder?

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Modern Flat Bow | Tutorial

Modern Flat Bow | Tutorial

Hey guys! I know it's been a good while since my last interesting post, haha. I have been doing weekly updates on how I am staying active weekly but I know that can be a bore for some of you so I'm back today with a tutorial but first a little background.

If you follow me on Instagram (@stormieariel) than you know I recently opened my own small shop on Insta (@shopstormieariel). Since Sophia was born, actually before she was born, I loved the way nylon headbands looked. They are so sweet and simple and chic, perfect for a little girl. BUT the price tag on most of them kept me from biting the bullet and even if they were a reasonable price, I couldn't pick just one. So I decided to teach myself how to make bows since I had fabric on hand that was left over from the fabric kites I made for Sophia's nursery plus I also had tons of ribbon on hand from my numerous other projects and from my schoolgirl days.

And I know there are mommas out there like me who are on a budget and need to know how to make simple bows to get them by until they can splurge so I decided to make a video tutorial of how I make one of the bows I sell in my shop. It is the simplest and easiest bow tutorial, so easy a caveman can do it (name that commercial). Also, please let me know how you like the video tutorial in the comments below. I would love the feedback as to which I should start including videos in all my tutorials or if step by step photos preferred or both!
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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

DIY Frame Tutorial

DIY Frame Tutorial

We are halfway through the work week, hooray! I can't wait for this weekend mostly because I am excited for everyone to open their gifts. We bought Anthony's dad this shirt for Father's Day and I plan on making him this card to go along with it, we are gifting Anthony's mom a necklace similar to this one and earrings like these for her birthday and I made Anthony a gift based off this pin I found but I am unable to find the original source (please leave the link below if you know so I can give proper credit). I decided to show a tutorial in how I achieved the look for our frame.

As I mentioned in my Father's Day Craft roundup, Scrabble and Words with Friends is a favorite game for Anthony and I to play with each other and to play with his dad and brother so I knew immediately I wanted to try to recreate a scrabble word frame. This project is very cheap and easy to do and took less than 10 minutes to complete. My type of project with a very needy baby in tow!
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Friday, May 27, 2016

DIY Vintage Fabric Kites

DIY Vintage Fabric Kites

So I know I am going at a snails pace with Little Love's Nursery Design but I just haven't put enough effort to get it completed since she is still in the room with us. I know I do need to get the ball rolling though, the last you guys all saw I finally cleaned up the room and had the crib and bedding perfectly styled. Since then, we found a beautiful vintage dresser that needs a makeover, added a large (unusual) "art" to the wall and I finally hung the kites I made months and months ago. I'll eventually get to sharing the other stuff but today I wanted to share a tutorial on how I made these kites for her room.
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