Two years ago I shared a bit of my fitness background story and my food and fitness routine. Back than my mindset was all about that number on the scale, I weighed myself everyday making sure that number didn't go up. Slowly I would skip some days and than eventually I would weigh myself every so often, I didn't do this on purpose it just happened with job changes and finishing my last semester in school.
Fast forward to the summer of 2015, I gained about 10 pounds back and a few weeks later we found out we were pregnant. I'm sure some of ya'll are all duh you gained weight, you were pregnant. Um no it's called eating junk food and having too much Dr. Pepper, I was only 6 weeks pregnant and you do not gain weight that quickly, you just don't. Obviously, I couldn't cut calories at this point but I could make healthier eating choices so I didn't blow up. I'd like to say I was perfectly healthy but we aren't perfect, if we were we would all have these amazing fit bodies but I did end up only gaining a total of 35 pounds during pregnancy and I am proud of that.
Here I am about 4 months postpartum and I am only about 5-7 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I have been at this weight since about 6 weeks postpartum and I owe my weight loss to breastfeeding. I am beyond blessed that it has helped me drop the number on the scale as I know not everyone has the same luck. Notice I said drop the number on the scale not that I am healthy.
Even though I am only fluctuating at about 5-7 pounds from last summer, my body is holding the weight very VERY differently. And that's when I realized your health is not about the number on the scale, it is so much more than that. Due to breastfeeding, I still cannot cut calories but I have been making better eating choices and for the last few weeks we have been eating more at home (see what I have been cooking by checking my #stormiearielkitchen on Instagram) and we all know when you cook at home with fresh ingredients you have total control for what is going in your body.
Aside from this, Sophia and I go on walks a few times out the week as we have been doing since she was about two weeks old. I have also done Just Dance a few times as that is what helped me get in shape before and I have done some strength training exercises and I haven thrown around the basketball with Anthony every once in awhile. I did go on a run once and my body was not ready so I am taking it slow and continuing with all the above.
Now that we are caught back up, this is my current game plan:
Sunday - Walk or Swim Day
Monday - Rest Day
Tuesday - Strength Training with Cardio (basketball or dancing)
Wednesday - Walk Day
Thursday - Run Day (alternating between walking and running every minute)
Friday - Rest Day
Saturday - Free Day
But I know life happens and I have an infant so I won't be able to follow this schedule to the T but I have made the decision to dress in workout clothes at least three times out of the week (Tuesday-Thursday) so whether I get to what I have planned or just a few squats here and there throughout the day, I am moving my body. After all that's what being healthy is about, creating a lifestyle out of healthy eating and being active.
Anyone can easily cut calories, follow a strict meal plan and hit the gym to get to their goal weight but what happens after you reach that point? Most people plateau and gain the weight back, I know I did. Several time actually so instead of making a goal weight, vow to live a healthy lifestyle where you become fit and still get to enjoy life.
To help me stay accountable, I decided to share my newly vowed healthy lifestyle by documenting it here on a weekly basis. I hope you decide to follow along so we can cheer each other on and be an inspiration for one another! You can also follow along on Instagram with #howstormiegothergrooveback
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