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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Back to School Looks with Gymboree | Tips & Tricks

This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. I was compensated for this post but as always all story telling and opinions are my own.

As some of ya'll may remember Anthony started school yesterday. Although he is taking distance education courses compared to the traditional face-to-face courses, it made us take a trip down memory lane and remember what it was like starting a new school year.

I remember being so antsy and staying up all night (or only getting a few hours of sleep and waking up super early) wondering what the first day back would be like. I also always created the perfect outfits for the first day because you have to make a great first impression back at school. At the schools I attended, we were limited to uniforms but that doesn't mean I was limited in creating outfits. I used accessories and shoes to help make my outfit look different from everyone else. There was even a night I got dressed and fell asleep in my clothes, I was that excited, haha.

So when Gymboree asked me to create  a Back to School look, I got all kinds of giddy and felt like a school girl all over again. I personally decided to create a look around their Uniform Shop because I know it's tough feeling like an individual and showing your creative side when you have to wear what everyone else is wearing.

I went with the traditional white polo shirt and a navy skort  as our foundation or basic pieces. Just with foundation pieces alone, you can change the look up by having your daughter wear the polo shirt with a different color skort or a jumper dress or even shorts or pants. By mixing and matching the foundation pieces, you can easily create multiple outfits for her to wear.

To stand apart from everyone else is where her shoes and accessories come in. I chose these sparkle flats because I love how the sparkles are different colors allowing you to create multiple looks with just one pair of shoes. You can easily pair these flats with a red polo and a navy jumper.

You could even exchange the bow for this one:

Bow Clip
Or maybe have her wear these shoes the following week with the same foundation pieces:

Ballet Flats
Just because your daughter is stuck in a uniform doesn't mean it has to be boring, just think of it as a capsule wardrobe and become creative with accessorizing and her shoe pairings. Her hair style could even completely change the look of each outfit as well. 

These tips and tricks also apply to those of you that may have to wear a uniform at work.

How do you show your creative individual side when you have to wear a uniform? Does anyone else get pre-school jitters? 
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