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Monday, October 30, 2017

Hospital Labor and Delivery with a Toddler

This post was created in partnership with DockATot but all thoughts and opinions are of my own.

As I mentioned in my hospital bag post, we planned on Sophia staying with us in the hospital and we knew DockATot would be the only way to make that successful since her "bed" would be with her. We made this decision because I personally wanted Sophia to be as involved as possible during labor, delivery and recovery. 

Quick disclosure, these photos are staged since I obviously wasn't up for taking photos during labor and delivery and I forgot to make sure to ask anyone else to.

We arrived to the hospital around 6:40am and as you can imagine Sophia was still groggy from being woken up out of her sleep. We were able to lay her DockATot Grand on the sofa seat inside the delivery room and have her lay there and relax. 

To our surprise, Sophia was so amazingly calm and relaxed the entire time I was in labor and delivery and I truly believe bringing the DockATot with us to the hospital helped transition her to be in a new environment where a lot was going on that she didn't understand. It gave her a sense of security and comfort while she played with her tablet and relax.

We did run into some minor complications after delivery which postponed us being moved into the recovery area and at this point it became too much for Sophia to stay with us so Anthony took her home and put her to bed while he waited for my sister to go stay the night with her. Having the DockATot Transport Bag was amazing for all this back and forth as it made it easier for Anthony to carry it on his shoulders while also carrying the diaper bag and Sophia. 

We already knew our love for the DockATot Grand but this experience really reconfirmed for us that it is the best baby product that has made the biggest impact for us in making our parenting lives easier. And the DockATot Transport Bag made the transportation more convenient during this whole experience.

Did you have your toddler or children involved in the labor and delivery process of their sibling?

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