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Friday, March 29, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Broken

Five Minute Friday: Broken

Write for five minutes flat. All on the same prompt that is posted here at 1 minute past midnight EST ever Friday. And connect on Twitter with the hashtag #FiveMinuteFriday
No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. Unscripted. Unedited. Real.
When I think of where I was before Christ called me to him. I was lost. I was completely broken but... "I thought I was right with God because I had good morals..." (Dillon Chase, Choices).
I was wrong. I was like a shattered mirror. I could not see who I was "but God showed his love for us in that while we were stil sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) Christ fixed my sins on the cross. My mirror is no longer broken.
Christ was made broke so that I might be fixed. How great is His love!
I am a child of the Most High. 
I am no longer broken.
I am found.
I am new in Him.
I am His!
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Day 4: Love is...

Day 4: Love is...

With the approaching days of my two year anniversary of marriage to my wonderful husband, Anthony, I decided to do a mini-series sharing the things I love about him each day until April 2nd, our anniversary.

I have to admit I do not have much patience. I get frustrated too quickly and react automatically. I'm working on it and I have gotten so much better.

No matter how quick I am to anger, Anthony manages to keep it together 90% of the time. I don't know how he does it! I wouldn't have much patience for myself with how I am at times. I quickly speak up before hearing what happens and I get mad even quicker. I contradict James 1:19 and I'm ashamed at my impatience.

My sweet husband still loves me despite my flaws. He has patience with my slow improvements. He reflects Christ in giving me grace continually.

Just imagine how much more God loves me, a sinner!! It is literally breath-taking thinking of it!

But unfortunately, I do let my anger get the best of me and I don't always show respect towards my husband.

Anthony is patient.
He is kind.
He does not envy or boast.
He is not arrogant or rude.
He does not insist on his on way.
He is not irritable or resentful.
He does not rejoice at wrongdoing.
But he rejoices with truth.
He bears all things.
He hopes all things.
He endures all things.

This is why I call my husband "my love." No matter how upset or impatient we may get with each other, we always have love for one another. Our marriage is built on something so strong that it can not be broken.

Our foundation is Christ!

You have blessed me with a godly man. A man who is after your own heart. Who strives to be more like Your Son Jesus everyday. He prays constantly for everyone. He is loving and compassionate. I pray that You can continue to use my husband to be the light to others, to point them to You. To keep him on this path of righteousness. That he would continue to pursue You and be intimate with You, Lord. Thank You Father for this man of God to lead me into Your arms. I want to know You all the more Father God. To be sanctified everyday, to glorify You all the days of my life. Thank You for showing Your love for me through my husband. I want to praise You! Lift Your name on high! You are so perfect and Holy Father! Despite my inequities You still look to me as blameless because of the work Your Holy Son did on the cross. I am forgiven and made new because of Your grace. Thank you Father!
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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Big Gifts in Small Packages

Thankful Thursday: Big Gifts in Small Packages

I decide everyday this year I want to choose something I was most thankful for that day. I'm hoping by focusing on something I am thankful for each day, I will become more grateful and appreciative towards all the blessings I receive from The Lord and His provision in my life.

Sometimes the smaller blessings is actually the bigger blessings. Let's think about this for a minute, when most people say we should be thankful for the little things they tend to mean life, breath, flowers, etc. But imagine how life would be without these little things. For one, without life we wouldn't even be here to be thankful for anything at all.

Life is a major blessing.

Yet, we don't treat it like it is. Majority of us put all kinds of trash in our body like sweets, alcohol or even drugs. If we actually treated our body like a temple the way the Lord commands than we wouldn't have this world epidemic of obesity or alcoholism. But, that is the sinners in each of us taking granted how precious our lives are and how important our bodies, mind and soul is.

Not only should we discipline our bodies but also our mind and soul.

We should nourish our soul daily with the Word of God. And to be quiet honest this is something I struggle on. I struggle with gluttony, I struggle with being too "busy" to sit down and dive into the Word. I struggle a lot.

But beloved, we don't have to struggle alone. Jesus bore our sins on the cross so that we might be forgiven and look blameless in the sight of God. Praise God! I am forgiven. I am able to give my burdens and my weakness to God.

|| Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness.
For we do not know what to pray for as we ought,
but the Spirit himself intercedes for us
with groanings too deep for words. ||
Romans 8:26

So beloved let's not take for granted our time here on earth wasting away our body, mind and soul. Let's glorify God in all things that we do as we were created to do.
Here is my thankful list for this past week:
1. Generosity from others
2. Shelter
3. Life
4. Food
5. Family Dinner at the table
6. Late nights with my hubby
7. The Cross

Thank you for all the "small" blessing in my life. I pray that you can lead me to be more grateful and displined in my life according to Your Holy Word. Father God, thank You for creating me to do Your Will and I just pray that it is glorifying to you.

What small things are you thankful for in your life, beloved? How are you using your life to glorify God?
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Follow @stormieariel