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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Return to Life

Return to Life

For those of you who stuck around, (*crickets*..any one?) you might notice some change. The most obvious? We have a new name!

When I first created my blog, I had the hardest time choosing a name. I could never pinpoint what exactly I wanted so I went with the vague but factual name: "For His Glory"

Don't get me wrong, I love the title but it just never felt like THE one so I was always playing with names in my head while I had this one sit in.

A little over a year ago, we participated in a ministry at our church called Heart and Home. The basic idea was three families gathered together for a meal (each one bringing a dish - main, side or dessert) and invite a guest family. Preferably, the guest family would be a neighbor or even a family who just visited the church the previous Sunday. Or it could be a member family who we all would like to get to know more. 

These families would gather for a meal at one of the families house and share theirs hearts. 

Whatever they wanted. 

The name of the ministry always hung to me. I loved the way it sounded together. Heart and Home.

Heart and Home.

See what I mean, it just has a ring to it.

For months... MONTHS, I wanted to change my blog title to Heart and Home but I don't like taking others ideas so I decided on not going through with it.

As I came back to trying to decide on a name, I played with different words:





My blog after all was always about sharing life and recipes with everyone but I found another love. Decorating. So I wanted to start incorporating that into my blog plan (even though I haven't wrote a post in almost a year... Oops).

So how the heck do I find a name that talks about homemaking in the aspect of decor and recipes along with life thrown in it here and there??

Heart & Home


This name doesn't want to leave me alone. But I love it! So why not use it and give credit to my inspiration? The name is so perfect for what my blog. 

Sharing my heart. The things I love. In my home.

So the name is here to stay. Welcome to Heart & Home.

Sneak Peek: I have now begun designing a logo for our new look using paint and possibly Word but I don't know yet.

Have you ever struggled with finding a name for your blog? How do you handle when a name stalks you for nearly a year?

I am linking up with A Little R & R.
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Friday, April 5, 2013

Thankful Thursday: List

I decide everyday this year I want to choose something I was most thankful for that day. I'm hoping by focusing on something I am thankful for each day, I will become more grateful and appreciative towards all the blessings I receive from The Lord and His provision in my life.

1. Grace
2. Jesus
3. Salvation
4. Friendships
5. Marriage
6. God
7. Imagination

What are you thankful for in your life?
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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

& Many More: Friendship Pt. 2

& Many More: Friendship Pt. 2

With the approaching days of my two year anniversary of marriage to my wonderful husband, Anthony, I decided to do a mini-series sharing the things I love about him each day until April 2nd, our anniversary.
Not only am I able to confide in Anthony but I can just be myself with him.

We are so silly together.

There is no need to put on a front or act like someone I'm not.

We goof around with each other.
We laugh at each.
We just, plain ol', have a good time together.

Even in the midst of intense fellowship, he never fails to make me laugh at some point.

For our anniversary, we celebrated by going to Main Event. We played laser tag, bowling and I did a ropes course. It was a ton of fun! I made a collage of our night for you guys to enjoy.

Thank you for today. Thank you for these past two years of marriage to my best friend. I pray that not only can we individually be sanctified but together, in our marriage, we might also witness to others of YOUR amazing love for us, sinners.
Read the rest of the story »

Follow @stormieariel