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Thursday, March 6, 2014

DIY Jute Wrapped Vase

DIY Jute Wrapped Vase

I am sharing this post with Remodelacholic
I made a trip to my local Goodwill earlier this week (it's becoming a weekly affair), in search of a lamp that I still haven't found. However, I did find this little blue guy for like 69 cents I think.

When I originally saw him I thought he would fit perfectly in the restroom somehow since blue is in the color palette. Once I got home, I decided to try him in the entry way; the color palette is gray and yellow.

Although, there isn't much yellow represented yet. I'm kind of at a lost of where to begin with this small area. 

I normally stick with the matchy matchy but I have been wanting to break out my comfort zone and add random pops of color so this little guy was the perfect subtle pop. I just felt like I wanted to dress him up a bit. 

I have noticed a lot of glass figurines have twine wrapped around the neck of the vases. So, I decided to try it with him. 

I got little blue ready with some extra twine I had laying around.

I began wrapping first to decide whether I would love it or hate it. If I loved it, I was gonna hot glue the twine to blue.

I tied the twine in the back and decided I didn't even have to hot glue it. I am free to remove it whenever I want but as for now I will keep the twine wrapped around little blue's neck.

I think I still need some more rearranging here to create a layout I like. I finally like the layering on the left but feel the right side needs more TLC. Maybe I will add some books (which is another idea I have played around with on my end table). 

How would you decorate this space? Are you a matchy matchy or mix & match type of gal? Are you digging the twine neck on vases?

I am sharing this post at Raising Mighty Arrows.
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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the Air

I think I may have an obsession.

A shoe obsession.

I have to have some sort of shoe that goes with each and every outfit. Whether it's flats, sandals, heels & wedges (not so much), or tennis shoes.

However, I know spring may be around the corner when stores start displaying new sandals. I, of course, had to pick up two pairs of new sandals to add to my collection for this coming Spring. 

The two at the top, Maui Thong Sandals and Bogata Sandals, are the new ones I picked up from Academy.

Even after the freeze we had yesterday in the Houston area, I have hope for Spring.

What have you added to your Spring wardrobe this season? Are you most excited for Spring or Summer?

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Monday, March 3, 2014

Project Update: Reclaimed Wood Sign

Project Update: Reclaimed Wood Sign

Remember that sneak peek I gave y'all in this post?

Well the project didn't turn out too good. I already messed up the wood board once and was on my way to remaking it when I gave the sneak peek.

I was painting layers upon layers of primer to cover up the old writing from my first attempt. I was so impatient with the drying process that I thought I had a fantastic idea. 

I would blow dry the wood in between coats so I can complete the project sooner. 


That didn't turn out too well, the paint felt too thick from the numerous coats of paint and was sticky. When it came time for me to write on the board it was impossible. Somehow the marker became dry because of the sticky paint job. So I messed the board up for the second time (notice where the l and w connect).

I had other ideas of how to fix it for a third time, I thought of using the back side and started off with this:

It looks decent however you can still see the first attempt of my writing through the coats of paint. Than I thought about stripping the board but decided I would just dump the board and start fresh with another piece of scrap wood from our old fence.

Hopefully, I will have patience this time around and I can finally have this project completed. I am aiming for something similar to this:

Eventually, I want to hang it over our bed with a picture from our wedding with our first kiss. I received my inspiration from Jefferson and Alyssa Bethke's bedroom.

Jefferson built that headboard himself!

How do you handle messing up a DIY project? Do you completely give up or try again? Would you try to salvage this piece of wood?

I am sharing this post with A Wise Woman Builds Her Home.
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