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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Gift Guide for Him | $40 & UNDER

So guys, I normally have all my Christmas shopping done and presents wrapped but not this year. I am so behind mostly due to budget but also to timing. And I suck at gifting Anthony because I always give it away. I gave him his Father's Day present early. I was suppose to surprise him with a date night for his birthday but told him at lunch that we were going out baby-free that evening. So, its kinda good that I haven't gone shopping for him yet so I don't ruin it, haha.

Without my gift ruining, I am at a lost of what to give him as we don't have much money to spend and whatever I do spend, I don't want it to be something that is just eh, you know? I have been peeping other's gift guides for him but why does every one else have gifts that are super expensive or that are so fancy like cuff links, like my guy likes video games, music and I need ideas along those lines.

Which is why we are here today because if your like me who has a regular guy than here are some ideas I am considering that you might also like for your boo thing and hey some of the stuff I like so it's a win-win depending on which one I go with.

What are you thinking of getting the special man in your life? Any other ideas you can throw my way that is budget friendly?
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  1. Those are some great ideas! Thanks I was needing some inspiration!

  2. I love the watch!! My husband would be stoked to receive that. Xo ~ Megan

    1. Right?! That's the one I'm leaning towards the most!

  3. I gave my husband a wallet last year! Such a great guy gift!

    1. It really is! I gave one to my husband two years ago and he kinda hinted that he wanted a new one. Lol. So I'm really torn on which item to get him as I know he would love them all.


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