Well we are in the midst of a storm, we began preparing last Wednesday and grabbed groceries and plenty of water bottles. We debated evacuating but at this point, we are just going to wait it out and take it hour by hour. However, I couldn't allow the storm to prevent me from documenting this gift of life growing inside of me. In the midst of a natural disaster or any unfortunate circumstance, it is easy to dwell on the bad but the Lord is good. He is sovereign and in control in all circumstances.
Maybe it's the storm but I have had better energy again this week which I am thankful for. I am feeling every little movement from baby boy as he moves around, it's pretty evident he is running out of room in there. I can feel his limbs push out on the side of my belly which is cool and creepy at the same time. Also, I have been trying to take advantage of all the cuddles and hugs from Sophia before we have to figure out the dividing of attention between her and baby boy.
I also have been showing her how to rock and pat her teddy bears which she looks so adorable doing, it just melts my heart. We are planning to get her a baby doll as her big sister gift so she can be somewhat involved by taking care of her baby while momma takes care of baby brother.
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