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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sovereign Over All

I was going through my coat closet stuff a few days ago since we are in the process of renovating it (blog post to follow once completed) and I found my outfit I wore to my mommy's funeral.

It reminded me of the day Michelle, my cousin, told me my mommy died after picking me up from Babcia's house. It got me thinking how hard it must have been for her to tell me that I lost another parent (I lost my father five years earlier when I was 3 turning 4) and I think of the kids I work with who are 4 and 5.

If I were to tell them their dad died than 5 years later their mom died, I would think they are in for a rough life with rebellion and most likely depression. Who wouldn't think that after what a child went through with experiencing death so young? But I didn't have to go through that thanks to God and His grace. He made my aunt brave enough to endure raising a potential problem child. I have so many values that she instilled in me. If it wasn't for God putting it in her heart to raise me, I can only imagine how much of a mess I would be in right now. 

God has a perfect plan and is sovereign overall. Do I wish I had my parents raising me? Of course! Who wouldn't however I now understand The Lord knew what he was doing. I may not have a complete understanding but I know going through that has helped shape me into the woman I am. It is helping shape me to be the mother I will one day be, God-willing.

I can joyfully give God all the glory for me not being bitter and depressed. It is because of Him that I have joy and I want to extend that grace to others for His glory.

Can you look back on a dark time in your life and now see God's hand in it all? Doesn't it give you great comfort that he is in control and we are not?
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Thursday, March 20, 2014

DIY Spring Wreath

DIY Spring Wreath

Do you ever find yourself dreaming about the perfect spring wreath but you either can't find it or it's out of your budget? Yeah, me too!! So I decided to take things into my own hands and create the perfect budget friendly spring wreath.

I have been admiring Spring wreaths since summer and couldn't wait to get my hands on one. The wreath I have been gawking over is one I saw on Instagram.

Isn't it beautiful!! I mean who wouldn't admire it!

I bought my supplies from Hobby Lobby.
Hydrangea Stems (two white, one purple; I couldn't find the ones I used so the link is one similar to it)

The other supplies I already had on hand.
Hot Glue Gun with Glue Sticks
Small Paint Brush

I gathered my supplies together.

I painted the letter two weeks ago when I first bought my supplies. It just took me until yesterday to finally sit down and complete it.

Before beginning the second time around, I cut the hydrangea stems into smaller bunches using pliers. 

Originally, I hot glued the letter before the small bunches but decided to take it off and put it on last about half way through. I also hot glued the flowers two different ways. I started off putting the hot glue on the bunches than attaching to the wreath.

About half way through, I realized that was kinda tricky to quickly put it where I wanted it without the glue drying first. So, I did the last half by placing the flowers where I wanted them first than applying the hot glue. The second way was much easier and helped me decide for sure if I liked the arrangment. Once, I was done I decided where I wanted the letter to be and applied hot glue where needed.

In total, this project took me less than an hour to complete and I am so in love with my spring wreath!!

Price Break Down:
Hydrangea Stems - on sale for $5.99 x 3
Wreath - $2.99
Wooden Letter - $2.49
Paint - $0.77
Total - about $26

I saw one similar to mine on Etsy for $50 so I am completely satisfied that I was able to spend half the price.

Would you spend the $50 or try to DIY? What are you dreaming for this Spring season? 

I am sharing this post with Raising Mighty Arrows.

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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Fresh & Clean

Fresh & Clean

During a trip to the grocery store, I knew I had to stop by the flower department. The flowers I bought 3 weeks ago...

Yes, 3 WEEKS.

...those flowers were finally on their last end so I was in desperate need of fresh flowers to make my house feel fresh and clean.

And yes, flowers do that. If you don't understand why, that's okay. My husband doesn't either but it does.

Anywho, as I was searching for the next bunch that would fill my house for the next few weeks (hopefully), I saw them. 


I'm more of a rose, hydrangea or lily type of gal but I've been straying. I have seen pictures of tulips in other people's houses and they look gorgeous. I thought I would give it a try.

It looked nice buuutt I wasn't in love with it. However, I left it like that for two days in hope it would grow on me.

It didn't.

The tulips got all droopy and I don't know what that's about because I wasn't digging it. 

So, I took the leaves off and trimmed them shorter. I thought a mason jar works with everything.

It didn't.

Maybe, a vase with a thinner neck so they don't droop.

Btw, my house looks clean in this angle but if I'm honest, this is what the other side looks like

Yeeeaaah, a tornado of a coat closet renovation that went wrong is in our midst. Just keeping it real.

Back to the thin neck vase, I still wasn't filling it. 

As I was looking around my house at all the vases I had on hand, I saw her. The crystal vase my grandmother gave me. I would simply place the thin neck vase inside of the crystal vase and see what happens.

It was like magic.


I thought I would have to give up on the tulips all together but now I know. 

Also, I am finally completely in love with my entry way vignette. 

Do you use fresh flowers in your home? Do you have flower arrangement problems like me when trying to place them somewhere?

I'm sharing this post with Remodelacholic
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