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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Our Closet Story

Our Closet Story

When we bought our house a little over two years ago, our master bedroom closet wasn't what it is now. I have shown you a snippet a few months ago when showing the master bedroom and mentioned I needed to do a post for our closet separately.

Well that day has finally came. 

When we purchased our house, there was a big gaping hole where a closet would be. There wasn't any shelving, rods, doors, nada. Just open space.

I imagine the closet looked like this once upon a time:

This picture is from a house a few doors down that is the EXACT same floor plan. So our closet had a door but I'm glad the previous owners made the decision to remove those hideous doors in our house.

Anywho, when moving in I had a clean slate to design a closet that would work for me. Most people jump to Pinterest for inspiration and most of the time, I am one of those people. But not this time, I went for function. I needed shelving for my shoes because let's be honest, I have too many. The other thing I needed in our closet was wood rods. I cannot stand the wire shelving stuff for closets. I also have way too many clothes that those things rip out the wall. (No joke, we had to remodel the coat closet and secondary bedroom closet because of this).

So I gave measurements to my father in law and a visual explanation of what I wanted to do. The next weekend, they show up with a floor to ceiling shoe shelf my grandfather in law built and installed my new shelving unit. Than they went to Home Depot to buy two wood rods and installed those. And that was that. I had a custom made closet.

The next step was to install doors. Pinterest helped with inspiration. I wanted bifold doors like these:

I also thought of a sliding barn door but decided to eventually install sliding doors withOUT mirrors like these:

All in all, we will not be installing doors. I plan to leave our closet open and let new owners decide what they want to do. I don't have an actual step by step tutorial for our custom closet as my in-laws did most of the work. Maybe one day, I can actual watch them and give a tutorial but no promises!

Have you had to remodel your closet? How did you find inspiration?
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Sunday, September 28, 2014

DIY Fall Wreath

DIY Fall Wreath

Last Spring, I created my own Spring wreath for half the price of others listed. I knew I had to create a Fall wreath on my own as well. I was in love with quite a few wreath inspirations that cost $45+ and was determined to cut that price in half for my DIY version.

I gathered my supplies from Garden Ridge which is now known as at home.

I already had the sunflowers and glue gun. I purchased the wreath, harvest bunch and burlap ribbon for about $15. #winning

I glued the flowers and ribbon on the exact same way I did for the DIY Spring Wreath. I also followed this tutorial to create the bow. It was super easy to follow and took less than 10 minutes.

In total, I completed this project in less than an hour. I may add a little something more down the road but as of now it couldn't be anymore perfect.
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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

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