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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A New Lifestyle | Week 4

A New Lifestyle | Week 4

To help me stay accountable, I decided to share my newly vowed healthy lifestyle by documenting it here on a weekly basis. I hope you decide to follow along so we can cheer each other on and be an inspiration for one another! You can also follow along on Instagram with #howstormiegothergrooveback

My husband and I have been determined to hatch our Pokemon Eggs on Pokemon Go, so we have been walking A LOT more than normal. I really think this mobile game has gotten a lot more people outdoors and moving and hope it stays that way! Hopefully more games will follow suit. I didn't do any strengthening exercises this week as it has been so hot and the humidity makes it feel like we went running even though we didn't. I do plan to add in strengthening stuff on rest days making it an active rest day because those are just as important as cardio.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A New Lifestyle | Week 3

A New Lifestyle | Week 3

To help me stay accountable, I decided to share my newly vowed healthy lifestyle by documenting it here on a weekly basis. I hope you decide to follow along so we can cheer each other on and be an inspiration for one another! You can also follow along on Instagram with #howstormiegothergrooveback

As I mentioned last week, I skipped a week of everything since I decided to binge watch Jane The Virgin. Bad I know, don't judge. This week I decided to get back out there and get moving. I thought it was gonna be hard to restart but it really wasn't but I think most of that has to do with Pokemon Go. I have lots of eggs to hatch and don't think I jumped on the bandwagon just because its "trending" right now. I have been a Pokemon fan since I was a kid between playing Pokemon Stadium on N64 and the Yellow Version, Silver Version, Crystal Version on my Gameboy Color. As an adult, I now own Pokemon Stadium once again and Silver Version for my Nintendo DS so when Pokemon Go came out, I had to try it and I'm loving it because I get to play on the go and it's motivating me to stay active. I just wish they would allow users to battle and trade like the original versions. Anywho, this is what I have been up to:
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Thursday, July 14, 2016

Four Month Update | Little Love

Four Month Update | Little Love

Wow. Time is flying and it really is true. Motherhood gets better with each passing month. Sophia has grown so much this past month and her cute little personality comes through more and more. I get so much joy just watching her take in this world around us, it's amazing. Yes it is hard but it is so so worth it. Being in the childcare field I already know how amazing children are but it's a whole other level when you watch your own child grow and learn. I catch myself daydreaming of the day she'll crawl or take her first step to running around the house laughing. Ah I can and can't wait for those days. 
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