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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Messy Mama Hair

Messy Mama Hair

I can't be the only one wondering how style bloggers always have perfect hair right? I mean even the mama style bloggers are always looking flawless and I'm over here rocking my Aunt Trunchbull messy bun 24/7. I wish I could say it's because I'm a mama, although that is part of it but mostly because my hair is a frizzy mess with this Houston humidity and if you do catch me on a good hair day, praise the Lord!

Other than the humidity, it is because Sophia grabs my hair and wants to eat it every time it's down or it just gets in my way when I'm trying to do something and it's easier throwing it in a bun but it can give me some major headaches since my hair is so heavy. It's no wonder some mamas cut their hair in cute little bobs but I love my long hair too much to try that again even if it's always in a bun.
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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A New Lifestyle | Week 5 + Reevaluation

To help me stay accountable, I decided to share my newly vowed healthy lifestyle by documenting it here on a weekly basis. I hope you decide to follow along so we can cheer each other on and be an inspiration for one another! You can also follow along on Instagram with #howstormiegothergrooveback

I have been reevaluating my fitness and even though I stay moderately active by constantly walking pretty much every day, I feel like I am not pushing my body to its potential. If I'm being completely honest, it's a little upsetting when I don't see progress in the way my clothing fits or even on the scale. I want to be able to fit into majority of my pre-baby clothes by October which gives me two months to step my game up. 

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Modern Flat Bow | Tutorial

Modern Flat Bow | Tutorial

Hey guys! I know it's been a good while since my last interesting post, haha. I have been doing weekly updates on how I am staying active weekly but I know that can be a bore for some of you so I'm back today with a tutorial but first a little background.

If you follow me on Instagram (@stormieariel) than you know I recently opened my own small shop on Insta (@shopstormieariel). Since Sophia was born, actually before she was born, I loved the way nylon headbands looked. They are so sweet and simple and chic, perfect for a little girl. BUT the price tag on most of them kept me from biting the bullet and even if they were a reasonable price, I couldn't pick just one. So I decided to teach myself how to make bows since I had fabric on hand that was left over from the fabric kites I made for Sophia's nursery plus I also had tons of ribbon on hand from my numerous other projects and from my schoolgirl days.

And I know there are mommas out there like me who are on a budget and need to know how to make simple bows to get them by until they can splurge so I decided to make a video tutorial of how I make one of the bows I sell in my shop. It is the simplest and easiest bow tutorial, so easy a caveman can do it (name that commercial). Also, please let me know how you like the video tutorial in the comments below. I would love the feedback as to which I should start including videos in all my tutorials or if step by step photos preferred or both!
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