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Monday, August 14, 2017

Bump Date | 29 Weeks with Baby No. Two

Bump Date | 29 Weeks with Baby No. Two

I decided to document our pregnancy as a way to get all my feelings and emotions out and to later look and remember this beautiful time in our lives while noticing the differences and similarities with our first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy if you decide to follow along on this life changing journey.

To think it wasn't possible for me to get more tired and uncomfortable. This week was definitely a rough week where I wanted to (and did) stay in bed majority of the day. I am still trying to follow my previous pregnancy bedtime routine and it helps some and as I mentioned in my 28 Week Update, I did try 30 minutes of Yoga and that did help tremendously on that day. I was very sore in the groin area the next day so I took it easy and skipped Yoga for two days as I was told you can still over due it even if it's just simple stretching. Despite my discomfort and exhaustion, I love feeling all these kicks and movements from baby boy. Although I have to pee a billion times a day and sometimes I feel like a boulder is sitting on my lungs, his kicks remind me that he is there and growing stronger.

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Friday, August 11, 2017

Simple Ways to Increase Your Chances of Being Successful at Breastfeeding

Simple Ways to Increase Your Chances of Being Successful at Breastfeeding

Disclaimer: This post is not intended to start a debate of whether or not breast is best. It is meant as an encouragement for those who choose the breastfeeding route or are considering breastfeeding. However you decide to feed your baby is your own personal decision.

Happy National Breastfeeding Month! That's right, August is National Breastfeeding month and was proclaimed so by the United States Breastfeeding Committee in 2011. In honor of this, I decided to dedicate a mini series for the month of August to help support and encourage breastfeeding moms and moms who are considering breastfeeding. Keep in mind, I am not an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), my tips are strictly from my personal experience along with my personal research. 

If you are new here, I wrote about my breastfeeding journey with my daughter Sophia whom I breastfed for about 15 months in case you are interested in why I decided to breastfeed since I rarely witnessed it growing up and struggling to continue to breastfeed while pregnant with baby number two. Since I was determined to be successful at breastfeeding, I followed these simple steps that helped me be successful. I was fortunate to not encounter any major stumbling blocks like many nursing moms do such as a tongue-tie, nursing strike or anything else of the sort so if you are experiencing any problems with breastfeeding or just not sure about your milk supply, latch or anything else, I do highly suggest contacting an IBCLC (find a local one here).

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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Bump Date | 28 Weeks with Baby No. Two

Bump Date | 28 Weeks with Baby No. Two

I decided to document our pregnancy as a way to get all my feelings and emotions out and to later look and remember this beautiful time in our lives while noticing the differences and similarities with our first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy if you decide to follow along on this life changing journey.

We are officially in the third trimester!! Almost at the finish line so I decided it was yet time again to start doing my bump dates in a weekly format as once my third trimester is over, I will be too busy figuring out life as a mom to a newborn and a toddler. Along with sharing my updates on this ever growing baby bump, I may also include my third trimester style within these weekly updates if and when I find the energy to actually get dressed. You are also more then welcomed to follow me on Instagram as I am on there daily.

As I mentioned in my second trimester update, my energy level didn't completely return and in fact it started slowly dwindling again. I am constantly tired but sciatic nerve pain keeps me awake late into the night. I have tried to start a similar bedtime routine like I had when I was pregnant with Sophia and sometimes that seems to help. I also plan to start doing about 30 minutes of Yoga during the day to see if that kind of helps. When I was pregnant with Sophia, Yoga stretches were apart of my bedtime routine but I think I would benefit having it as part of a mid-day routine this time around while Sophia is napping.

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