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Showing posts with label Holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday. Show all posts

Friday, July 1, 2016

Fourth of July | Outfit Ideas

Fourth of July | Outfit Ideas

Besides looking for quick and easy craft projects to do, I also think about outfits I want to create for each holiday. However I try to stay away from holiday specific theme clothing like stars or american flags because I want to be able to wear my clothing year around. Instead of focusing on themes, I like to put outfits together around colors that coordinate with each holiday. 

Today, I put together two different looks for Fourth of July and I already know which one I'm learning towards!

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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

DIY Frame Tutorial

DIY Frame Tutorial

We are halfway through the work week, hooray! I can't wait for this weekend mostly because I am excited for everyone to open their gifts. We bought Anthony's dad this shirt for Father's Day and I plan on making him this card to go along with it, we are gifting Anthony's mom a necklace similar to this one and earrings like these for her birthday and I made Anthony a gift based off this pin I found but I am unable to find the original source (please leave the link below if you know so I can give proper credit). I decided to show a tutorial in how I achieved the look for our frame.

As I mentioned in my Father's Day Craft roundup, Scrabble and Words with Friends is a favorite game for Anthony and I to play with each other and to play with his dad and brother so I knew immediately I wanted to try to recreate a scrabble word frame. This project is very cheap and easy to do and took less than 10 minutes to complete. My type of project with a very needy baby in tow!
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Monday, June 13, 2016

Gift Guide | Father's Day Craft Ideas

Gift Guide | Father's Day Craft Ideas

Hi guys! How was ya'lls weekend? Ours was pretty relaxed, I went for my hour massage on Saturday and boy was it AMAZING!! Definitely what this mama needed. And on Sunday Anthony's parents came to visit. 

If you were around on Friday than you might have came across my Father's Day Gift Guide; well today I am sharing a roundup of Father's Day craft ideas. I only included two crafts involving hand/foot prints because while I worked in childcare some parents really didn't appreciate another hand/foot print craft. Although I personally think, they show a child's growth throughout a single year and all the years to come and I really believe these types of crafts will be treasured so dearly when that little babe or toddler is off to college or starting a family of their own. So keep that in mind if your hesitant to do crafts involving prints and maybe slip a note stating my above statement in your own way.

I unfortunately couldn't find the original source for this sweet photo but when I ran across it on Pinterest, I fell in love. First, because the photo is so adorable and made me get a lump in my throat. Secondly, Anthony and I use to play scrabble with his dad and brother when we would go visit his family and from day to day Anthony and I play Words with Friends so I think this type of picture craft would mean so much.
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