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Thursday, December 15, 2016

9 Things I Have Learned as a Mom

9 Things I Have Learned as a Mom

Technically, Sophia has been out of my belly for almost 41 weeks and she was only in my tummy for 37 weeks but no need to be technical. Let's just say I was pregnant for about 9 months and Sophia is now 9 months old. She has been out in the world for almost as long as she was cooking in my belly, when she was being knitted together.

36 Weeks and 7 Days, the day before she was born.

To celebrate this, I wanted to share comparison photos of what Sophia looked like 9 months in the womb and 9 months out the womb, as well as share 9 things I have learned since becoming a mom.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Christmas Project Ideas

Christmas Project Ideas

Hey guys! Today I will keep it short and sweet because one I am super late on posting today and two I am hoping to even be able to finish this before Sophia gets too fussy. Cheerios are keeping her busy for now, haha.

Anways, there I was on Instagram (click link to follow me) and I decided to spontaneously show a quick Christmas tour (see my 2014 Christmas tree tour here). Of course my house is far from being completed and at this point I don't even know if it will be as we lost our Christmas tree lights. There just is not enough time in the day to get everything done. 

Back to the point, I was giving this mini-tour on Instastory and I realized a lot of the pieces I am using to display our Christmas decor is a DIY and I actually have tutorials for them! So the whole point of this short and sweet post is to round up a few of my tutorials (click link for more not listed) that can help you display your Christmas decor that you can also use year round.

First up, is this really cute reclaimed holder. I originally made this piece to display my necklaces but I loved it in the dining room so much that it hasn't moved. During the year, the knobs are enough to keep it from looking to simple and every year at Christmastime we use it to display our stockings since we do not have a mantel.

This project is my favorite! During the year I have a plain black and gray bow attached to it. For Halloween, I tied small pieces of black ribbon around the antlers to look like bats. And now I have a red/gold/green bow attached with red and gold ornaments hanging from the antlers.

When I first made this Display, I had Sophia's ultrasounds showcasing and during Valentine's day I added a simple printable banner (here) that I created. Once Sophia was born, I started displaying her monthly photos but temporarily for Christmastime, I am displaying the Christmas cards we are receiving.

This was a quick tutorial I whipped up for my sister's birthday movie night I hosted. Just switch out the colors to match your Christmas decor!

For being quick, it actually is a little longer than expected, haha. I hope you enjoy these projects and find inspiration or attempt to make something using one of my tutorials! If you do be sure to tag me (@stormieariel) on social media and/or use #stormiearieltutorial

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Thursday, December 8, 2016

Gift Guide for Him | $40 & UNDER

Gift Guide for Him | $40 & UNDER

So guys, I normally have all my Christmas shopping done and presents wrapped but not this year. I am so behind mostly due to budget but also to timing. And I suck at gifting Anthony because I always give it away. I gave him his Father's Day present early. I was suppose to surprise him with a date night for his birthday but told him at lunch that we were going out baby-free that evening. So, its kinda good that I haven't gone shopping for him yet so I don't ruin it, haha.

Without my gift ruining, I am at a lost of what to give him as we don't have much money to spend and whatever I do spend, I don't want it to be something that is just eh, you know? I have been peeping other's gift guides for him but why does every one else have gifts that are super expensive or that are so fancy like cuff links, like my guy likes video games, music and I need ideas along those lines.

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