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Friday, August 25, 2017

Common Misconceptions of Breastfeeding

Common Misconceptions of Breastfeeding

Disclaimer: This post is not intended to start a debate of whether or not breast is best. It is meant as an encouragement for those who choose the breastfeeding route or are considering breastfeeding. However you decide to feed your baby is your own personal decision.

Too many times before and during my own breastfeeding journey, I would listen to friends and family members share their breastfeeding experience. I came to realize how uninformed mothers actually are when it comes to breastfeeding, even those who have successfully breastfed to their goal. This honestly is heartbreaking that a number of women lack the wisdom and knowledge of their bodies and how their body works for them majority of the time. This is where #normalizebreastfeeding comes in and having an International Breastfeeding Week and a National Breastfeeding Month. It is not to shame moms who choose not to breastfeed, although I am aware there are those people out there who do but not all of us are doing that when we share our knowledge or use the hashtag.

Normalizing breastfeeding is about informing the world, men and women, that breastfeeding is a natural biological act between a mother and an infant. It is also about setting straight the misconceptions that are out there concerning breastfeeding that discourage moms from continuing their breastfeeding journey. A lot of that discouragement comes from our family members and friends, unfortunately, because they "couldn't" breastfeed due to xyz. The discouragement comes from our health care providers who may have little to no training in breastfeeding.

Almost all have good intentions and want you to be successful in your breastfeeding journey but their lack of knowledge prevents them from actually helping you. Therefore, I wanted to share the common misconceptions I am constantly hearing from those around me to help spread the proper knowledge so mothers can be fully informed and make their decision based on facts, not myths. After all, breastfeeding is a personal decision and is always up to the mother as they are the only one who knows their baby best.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

How to Encourage Your Kids to be Tidy

How to Encourage Your Kids to be Tidy

Last week on my Instagram, I shared in my instastories of how we always clean up twice a day - before nap-time and before bedtime - and I received a lot of interest and feedback of how we manage to have Sophia help with clean up. I have also gotten compliments from our church nursery workers of how helpful Sophia is at straightening up so I decided to share some tips on how to encourage your kids to be tidy.

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Monday, August 21, 2017

Bump Date | 30 Weeks with Baby No. Two

Bump Date | 30 Weeks with Baby No. Two

I decided to document our pregnancy as a way to get all my feelings and emotions out and to later look and remember this beautiful time in our lives while noticing the differences and similarities with our first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy if you decide to follow along on this life changing journey.

It is so hard to still believe we are at the end of this pregnancy but at the same time I feel like there is still so much longer to go, haha. I definitely wouldn't rush it though, I know baby boy needs his time to finish developing and praying that he makes his arrival on his own time, God willing. 

We did have our 30 week check-up and everything is still normal and heading in the right direction. I am feeling lots of tightening and minor cramping but my doctor said that is normal especially since baby boy is running out of room. You can feel his limbs or some part of his body, I am not sure what part, poking out as he moves around. Also, I mentioned having contraction like feelings when I go to the restroom but they do go away after I am finished and she said that was also normal as long as they stop. 

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