We have made it to 38 weeks of pregnancy and does it seem to be taking forever, haha. At our appointment on Tuesday, my doctor did another pelvic check and this time I was 3cm dilated and she said there was a possibility of having the baby within a week. At the time of me typing this, it has been 6 days... so we are still waiting. Ultimately, I know the Lord's timing is perfect and I am so thankful we have made it this far without any interventions and I am praying that we still won't need any.
Baby boy is still somewhat active although he mostly seems to curl up into my left rib which makes it hard to breath and then he stretches out completely and I look deformed. Sometimes I can feel the outline of his little limbs and I just can't wait to hold this sweet little babe.
We have been trying to do morning walks as much as possible to help jump-start my labor naturally which obviously it got me from 0 cm at 37 weeks to 3 cm at 38 weeks. We have an appointment this Tuesday at 39 weeks so I am curious as to if I dilated anymore. Although it has been an episode of crying wolf with all these false contractions I am feeling, at least my active labor should be shorter since my dilation is getting knocked out now. Gotta find the positive somewhere, right?
Friday night, I did think I was finally in labor as I was contracting for 3 hours with contractions about 8 minutes apart lasting for a minute or less. That is the longest and most consistent I have ever felt the contractions but nothing since then. Since I was induced with Sophia due to preeclampsia (read her birth story here), it is kind of hard to know what to expect and when it is real. Although I am told that I will know when it is finally real contractions so we shall see.
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