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Friday, April 15, 2016

Savoring this Season

Savoring this Season

Since before Anthony and I got married, we wanted children and we tried for years with countless negative pregnancy tests. Many sleepless nights of conversations wondering what our future children will be like and if we would even be able to have children. Starting a family seemed so far away with each negative test until that one turned positive. 

We really started imagining what this little person would be like, what parenthood would entail. But I never realized how hard it would be in these first few months. I knew about the frequent feeding, the loss of sleep, the endless diaper changes but I wasn't warned about the endless crying, at least it seems like it's endless. 

However, that crying means she's here. This child we dreamed of, we talked about, we planned and tried to have for years is here. Yes, she is needy and I am having to sacrifice more of myself then I ever realized but before I know it, she won't need me. 

There will be a time when she no longer needs to hear my heartbeat to calm her.

There will be a time when she no longer needs to feel me (and smell me) laying next to her.

There will be a time when she no longer needs me to hold her.

There will come a time when she is so interested in exploring the world around her that I can't keep her still long enough to hold and hug her.

There will come a time when she leaves the nest to start her own family.

So in this tough season of being a new mom to a newborn, I want to savor every little moment including the hard ones because there will come a time when she will no longer need me.

I love you sweet girl.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Real Everyday Style of a New Mom

Real Everyday Style of a New Mom

I can't be the only new mom wondering how the heck other bloggers or Instagram mommas always look so put together? I mean I can barely manage to brush my teeth in the morning let alone get dressed! No joke, I stay in my pajamas until noon which is when my husband comes home for lunch so he can entertain Little Love while I throw on some clothes. Maybe if I woke up before Little Love's morning feeding I could probably manage a morning routine but lets get real waking about every 2-3 hours I'm too exhausted to try to wake up earlier than her at this point. Also, lets not forget to mention the extra fluff us everyday moms still have from the pregnancy and I don't have the budget to buy a whole new wardrobe.

Side Story: When I first tried to gain inspiration for my new style as a mom I typed in everyday looks for moms on Pinterest and a lot of the outfits are cute and simple but most of them are moms wearing jeans or dresses or skirts. For one, jeans are not comfortable for me to lay around in or get on the floor plus my jeans still don't fit right now. Number two, when you have a child you don't want to have to worry about sitting like a lady so that takes out the skirts and dresses all together PLUS being a nursing momma I have to have the right dress that allows easy access to the boob but again who has time to sit like a lady when you have a newborn in tow?

Back to the point, I decided to share what I have been wearing on the day to day this last month as a new momma. I recreated each outfit I remember wearing since I was to occupied taking photos of my babygirl everyday that I didn't manage to take snapshots of me wearing each outfit but be warned these outfits are not fashionable by any means. My everyday style right now is meant for comfort and easy access to nurse my daughter.

Side Note: I do try to dress nicer when we have somewhere to go but if we are home all day than comfort wins overall.

The first three outfits were on constant repeat the first week and half postpartum because they were the only nursing shirts I had (and yes those are the same shorts, don't judge). I did however decide to shop (see my review here) and bought a few more nursing friendly shirts.
Striped Nursing Shirt | Shorts (similar)
Maternity Shirt (similar| Shorts (similar)

Maternity Cross-Front Shirt (similar) | Shorts (similar)
The two nursing camis quickly became my favorite and those were on constant repeat and I would only wear the others when the nursing camis needed to be washed.
Nursing Camis | Nike Shorts (similar)
Nursing Camis | Nike Shorts (similar)
Nursing Tops | Shorts (similar)
Nursing Camis | Shorts (similar)
Nursing Tops | Nike Shorts (similar)
I finally came to the conclusion that you don't necessarily need nursing shirts or button up shirts to nurse, they make things easier but they aren't necessarily necessary so I started wearing my regular camis as well and I just pull down the strap when I nurse, after all I am home in my room so no need to be discreet.
Basic Camis (similar) | Nike Shorts (similar)
I hope you were able to grab inspiration and enjoyed seeing the real everyday look of a new momma.
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Monday, April 11, 2016

What to Ask While on a Maternity Hospital Tour

What to Ask While on a Maternity Hospital Tour

After finding out we were pregnant and we chose our doctor and decided on a hospital, we knew we wanted to go on a tour of the hospital so I began making a list of questions I wanted to ask while on our tour of the maternity ward and I also created a list of requests (crazy new mom much?). All jokes aside I do believe it is important to be prepared and to ask questions to know what to expect during your stay especially if your a new momma or your going to a new hospital than your previous births and to make a list of requests so your birthing experience is catered to you and your family, as it should be.

Side Note: These requests will be apart of your birth plan but I wanted to bring some up during the tour to make sure the hospital I chose would be accommodating.

So what were the questions I asked?

Side Note: I also make a list of questions in my phone for our doctors before appointments and it sometimes helps to remember what to bring up to your doctor. As a new parent, we freak out about every little thing but we are also sleep deprived and may be too busy calming our little baby during an appointment, these questions or concerns may slip our mind but if they are written down, you are more likely to remember to ask.

What is the estimated cost of  a natural vaginal birth?
It's good to know in advance how much you are going to have to fork out especially if you need more time to save up to make the payment. Also, ask about a payment plan!

Is the lactation consultant and breastfeeding class apart of that cost or do they cost extra?
Some hospitals don't have either so its good to also ask if they even provide these services and if the do, what are the costs? We ended up not taking a breastfeeding class but we did have the lacation consultant come in to help me learn how to use my breast pump and to answer any questions I had that the nurses weren't able to. 

The nurses in my care were all very knowledgeable about breastfeeding but I heard most nurses do not know anything about breastfeeding or do not offer help so if that is the case, ask about the lactation consultant (they can also help with formula fed babies as well).

Is it possible for an all female staff to be assigned to us?
When I was first pregnant, I did not want any males to be assigned to me. Obviously they are professionals but I didn't feel comfortable having a man who was not my husband all up in my cookie HOWEVER I cannot remember who was all in my room when it actually came down to pushing. I was so focused on getting that little baby out, I hardly remember my husband being next to me holding my leg.

I would like all staff to be apart of my insurance network, is that possible? 
When you go to the hospital for any type of care or procedure always, ALWAYS, ask for the staff involved in your care to be apart of your insurance network. This will help keep the costs down. The only person I heard who is hard to get in your network is the anesthesiologist, for some reason. Does anyone know why that is? Leave a comment, if you do.

Side Note: I also listed this in my birth plan and I highly recommend you do the same

Does the hospital allow photography during delivery?
For obvious reasons, I wanted to be able to have photographic memories of the day we became parents.

Is a birth photographer allowed to be in the labor & delivery room?
Birth photographers are expensive and they are hard to find, at least I had a hard time finding one but before you make a deposit (they are non-refundable most of the time) be sure your hospital even allows a birth photographer. Our hospital did not allow professional photographers as they had their own within the hospital but their photographers did a Fresh 48 (newborn photography) instead. I really wanted professional photos of our birth to capture those sweet moments between my husband and I as we waited and finally got to meet our baby girl because like I said I barely remember those actual moments.

How many people are allowed in the room during delivery?
If you don't mind having your family members or friends all up in your cookie, than find out in advance how many people are allowed in the delivery room.

Can I have more information on the "golden hour"?
My hospital said they provided the golden hour which is an uninterrupted hour of skin to skin contact between the mother and baby, which is very important to create that bond and for breastfeeding. We had our hour but another nurse came in like three or four times asking if we were ready for guests and my nurse had to keep telling her no we were in the middle of establishing breastfeeding so be sure to mention the golden hour right after you deliver if you want that uninterrupted time.

Those were the questions I asked while on my tour of the hospital but I also had a list of requests I wanted to be sure the hospital would accommodate.

Pre-Birth Plan Requests
I do not want a pacifier given to my baby.
My baby will be strictly breastfed, do not give formula or sugar water.
I would like my baby to remain in the room with us at all times therefore all newborn procedures can be performed in our room. (I told ya'll I am that crazy new mom).
I would like more information about cord blood donation.

Did you ask any questions or make demands while on a maternity tour? I can't be the only crazy new mom. hehe. Is there a question I didn't ask that I should have? 

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