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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Back to School Looks with Gymboree | Tips & Tricks

Back to School Looks with Gymboree | Tips & Tricks

This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. I was compensated for this post but as always all story telling and opinions are my own.

As some of ya'll may remember Anthony started school yesterday. Although he is taking distance education courses compared to the traditional face-to-face courses, it made us take a trip down memory lane and remember what it was like starting a new school year.

I remember being so antsy and staying up all night (or only getting a few hours of sleep and waking up super early) wondering what the first day back would be like. I also always created the perfect outfits for the first day because you have to make a great first impression back at school. At the schools I attended, we were limited to uniforms but that doesn't mean I was limited in creating outfits. I used accessories and shoes to help make my outfit look different from everyone else. There was even a night I got dressed and fell asleep in my clothes, I was that excited, haha.
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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Five Month Update | Little Love

Five Month Update | Little Love

Lord have mercy on me! My baby is five months old which means she is almost 6 months old which is half a year so she is basically almost one years old! I want and need time to slow down because my baby is growing way too fast right before my eyes. I love seeing her take in this world around her with those sweet round eyes but I want her to remain my baby.

My best friend's daughter just turned 5 and it feels like she was just a baby yesterday so I am taking this month even more so harder because one day my baby will not be such a baby anymore so I am soaking up everything to another level which is gonna take me on a five second mommy rant so bear with me guys..

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Tuesday, August 9, 2016

A New Lifestyle | Week 6

A New Lifestyle | Week 6

To help me stay accountable, I decided to share my newly vowed healthy lifestyle by documenting it here on a weekly basis. I hope you decide to follow along so we can cheer each other on and be an inspiration for one another! You can also follow along on Instagram with #howstormiegothergrooveback

So again, I really haven't stuck to my new schedule but I'm super happy with what I accomplished this week. I gotta say I have felt great after by runs, now before each run is a totally different story! Haha. 

Sunday - Skipped
I was suppose to walk as Anthony played basketball but I decided to just chat with the ladies.

Monday - Interval Run
This was my first run since the ending of June, that run I was so disappointed that my body wasn't ready to go the distance I was wanting but this day's run went better than expected and I was so happy.. afterwards.

Tuesday - Skipped

Wednesday - Skipped
I knew I would miss this day's workout which is why I ran on Monday which was suppose to be a rest day.

Thursday - Interval Run
I dreaded the run before the run but felt amazing afterwards.

Friday - Rest Day
Saturday - Short Walk

Each time we went to our usual spot, I would moan and groan before each run but I gave myself a pep talk everytime, reminding myself why I am doing this. So I grudgingly started my run and continue to pep talk myself throughout my run, the marker is right there just make it to that marker and its walk time. I make it there (with a few short stops to catch my breath) and I feel amazing.. Tired but amazing like I'm ready for round two now. I walk to the next marker and start the process over of preparing myself and than coaching myself through each run.

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