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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

5 Elements to Creating a Cozy Corner

5 Elements to Creating a Cozy Corner

This post was created in partnership with Lorena Canals Rugs but all thoughts and opinions are of my own.

With a new baby coming, it was extremely important for me to still have a dedicated place for Sophia to have one on one cuddle time with mommy or daddy. Therefore, we wanted to be sure to have a cozy corner in Sophia's room for story time, nap time and bedtime cuddles and whenever else she may need or want extra cuddles.

There were a few elements we needed to make this little corner in Sophia's room more cozier which included:


Having a comfortable seating area is probably the most important aspect of creating a cozy corner whether it be floor seating or an actual chair. This particular rocking chair is the one we bought when Sophia was a newborn. We have debated on reusing it for the new baby but again I felt it was just as important for Sophia to have a comfy chair to curl into mommy's lap so it will remain in her room.


Of course adding layers can make any space more cozier and I am a sucker for throw blankets plus we were fortunate enough to get a ton of handmade knit blankets for Sophia and this corner is the perfect place to display them and use them to warm up with.


Again, the more layers you add, the cozier. We originally bought this pillow for our master bedroom but Sophia loved the black and white print as a newborn so I thought it was the perfect addition to her cozy corner.

Side Table

Because a lot of story times happen in this area, a table is a must have to place our books on that we are currently reading as well as to hold our cups or bottles.


A rug really helps ground this little area and not to mention this particular rug is extremely soft on our feet. I just love rubbing and digging my feet into this rug. Would you believe that it is machine washable? I also love the fact that it is made with all natural dyes, handmade, eco and contain no VOCs like most carpeting and rugs making it the perfect addition to any toddler room as it is truly family friendly. This design is my favorite for a child's room or play area because when we are playing on the floor, Sophia will point to the letters which gives us the opportunity to encourage her to learn the alphabet. Who knew a rug could be so much more than a rug? I highly recommend you check out Lorena Canals Rugs as they have rugs not just for children spaces but for sophisticated adult spaces as well.

c/o Rug 

Crib | c/o DockATot Grand | Crib Sheets | Kites | Rocking Chair | Pillow | c/o Rug 

This corner is one of my favorite spaces throughout our entire house especially as it allows that extra cuddle time with my sweet girl who is normally running all over the place exploring everything within sight and reach.

Crib | c/o DockATot Grand | Crib Sheets | Kites | Rocking Chair | Pillow | c/o Rug 

How do you create special one on one moments with your oldest?

For more nursery room details, check out these posts:
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Monday, September 11, 2017

Bump Date | 33 Weeks with Baby No. Two

Bump Date | 33 Weeks with Baby No. Two

I decided to document our pregnancy as a way to get all my feelings and emotions out and to later look and remember this beautiful time in our lives while noticing the differences and similarities with our first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy if you decide to follow along on this life changing journey.

Well, I didn't get nearly as much accomplished this week as I planned. I still need to register for the hospital and pack our hospital bag although I do have my packing checklist ready. We were able to score an awesome deal on a second hand rocking chair so I can have one in my room for once the baby arrives as I did not want to take Sophia's out of her room. It's not the prettiest or even my first choice but when you are on an extremely tight budget like we currently are, you make do with what you can and hopefully we can upgrade later on. So I spent the last few days deep cleaning the cushions and wiping down the actual chair.

On a pregnancy related note, sleep has been very scarce this week. I have a hard time falling asleep as I cannot get comfortable at all and end up tossing and turning so much that baby boy pushes against my bladder that I then get up a million and one times to use the restroom. Very much the same thing that happened around this exact timing with my pregnancy with Sophia. When it is bad enough, I end up getting out of bed and work on blog stuff late until early morning when my eyes are so heavy that I can no longer concentrate. That seems to be the only thing that works to get me to sleep otherwise I would stay up tossing and turning and never falling asleep.

Baby boys movements are still fairly active, not as much as he use to be but still enough that I feel him move throughout the day. If for whatever reason, I can't remember the last time I felt him move I will give him a few nudges to wake him up just to be certain. He definitely loves the left size just as Sophia did as he loves to curl right into my rib and then stretch out to the point of feeling pressure in all directions. I tell Anthony I really think he is trying to break out already but little guy still has a lot more growing and development to get done.

Although it has been a challenging week, I know it will all be worth once baby boy is safely in my arms and I know I will long for the days of this growing bump feeling all the kicks and movements.

More Bump Dates from this Pregnancy:
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Friday, September 8, 2017

Baby Proofing Products

Baby Proofing Products

Since we have been discussing breastfeeding and newborn essentials the last few posts and September is Baby Safety Month, I figured I would share my favorite baby proofing products that we use in our home as they are also an essential for keeping your baby and children safe.

Baby Gate 

I think most people think baby gates are only a need if you live in a two story home but I believe it is even needed in a one story home. At least in our one story home, we have found the need for it. We began using it shortly after Sophia learned to crawl and continued to use it until she learned what was off limits. I also prefer the pressure mounted ones instead of the ones you screw into the wall just for wall damage reasons and I don't want to give myself more work then I need whenever we are no longer in need for baby gates.

Cabinet/Drawer Latches

Our cabinets and drawers don't have knobs on them so we use these latch ones. We only have them in our master restroom as we don't house anything in the secondary restroom and everything in the kitchen is relatively safe although we are planning to add them in there just because I'm OCD and have my Tupperware organized in a specific way and Sophia's curiosity and playfulness tends to make a mess of that cabinet, haha.

Door Knob Covers

So everyone makes fun of me for having these on a few of the doors already since Sophia cannot open doors, yet. Key word yet. I would rather be the proactive parent and prevent her from ever opening the restroom door and finding her upside down in the toilet. Dramatic, maybe. But seriously it's better to be prepared before their curiosity hurts them in some way. We also have a door knob cover on the laundry room door since that room is the most unorganized and has a lot of crap on the floor.

Visual Baby Monitor

I personally know a few people who think an audio monitor is enough but when babies are quiet it means one of two things: they are asleep (yay) or they are getting into something (uh oh). So how do you know which is which especially as they get older? I love the security of the visual monitor especially during nap time and bedtime so I can see that Sophia is actually laying down either sleeping or playing quietly instead of trying out some gymnastics ninja warrior move to escape the crib.

Outlet Covers

I think outlet covers are pretty self explanatory. Babies and toddlers are exploring this new world and don't understand that there is an electrical current in those weird little holes that are the perfect size to stick a finger into.

Faucet Cover

This isn't necessarily needed right away but once your baby starts playing around in the tub and not paying attention to their surroundings, they could bunk their head and get hurt pretty badly. This specific one we love because there is a nifty little tab where you insert bubbles so it evenly disperses the bubbles into their bath water.

What are your baby proofing must-haves?

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