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Friday, September 22, 2017

Car Seat Safety Tips

Car Seat Safety Tips

Last year, when I opened up and wrote about stuff no one told me when I was expecting my first child, the very first thing I mentioned was car seat safety. The best thing you can do for your baby/child is to read the car seat manual that the manufacturer provided with your particular car seat instead of depending on someone else to lend their advice. 

All car seat brands and types are different and have varying restrictions and installation processes so pay particular attention to these details of your car seat of choice:

Weight/Height Restrictions 

All car seats have a weight minimum and maximum as well as height restrictions. Typically this can be found on the packaging itself or under the description when purchasing online for quick access but it is also stated in the car seat manual so be sure your child fits the weight and height restrictions of the car seat of your choice for the best protection.

Properly Strapped 

I get it, we all get in a rush and for some reason the straps always seem to get twisted when we are running late but restraining our children with twisted straps can affect the straps from properly protecting your child in case of an accident. Also, make sure the chest clip is on the child's chest and not on his belly - the chest clip should be in line with the armpits. The reason this is so important is the chest clip acts as a restraint, obviously, so when you are impacted, the sternum bone is under the chest clip and that bone protects those organs underneath. However, if you have the clip below the chest on the belly then upon impact the chest clip pushes into the abdominal area and could damage or hurt vital organs. Again, be sure to reference your car seat's manual on how to properly install the straps and how to place the chest clip.


If you purchase your car seat new, which I highly recommend, make sure to register it with the manufacturer so you can be notified if there is ever a recall on your particular model. If you are purchasing your car seat second hand, check the expiration date of the car seat as well as if there has been any recalls and only purchase from someone you can trust without a doubt. Ask them if the car seat was ever in a vehicle that was in an accident, with or without a child in it, as it is recommended for most car seats that were in accidents to be replaced as to ensure that you are getting the highest level of safety and performance from your car seat via the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). And if you are planning to use your car seat for multiple children, as we are using Sophia's old infant carrier for the new baby, check the expiration date of the car seat to be sure it is still within the car seat safety standards as well as checking on any recalls.

Rear Facing Recommendation 

Now this is where things may get controversial however it is now recommended for you to keep your child rear facing until after they turn two. I know some of the parents concern on waiting that long is your child being cramped or no longer fitting into their rear facing seat however if you are following the weight and height restrictions for your rear facing car seat then your child is perfectly safe. If your child is no longer within the limits of your rear facing car seat, you can purchase a convertible car seat which is a car seat that can be used for rear facing or forward facing. Again, make sure to read the manual as there could be different weight and height restrictions depending on how you are facing the convertible car seat. For more information on forward-facing and rear-facing, check out this post by the Car Seat Lady.

I know I sound like a broken record but the best way to know if you are using your car seat properly is by reading the car seat manual from cover to cover.

Our car seats of choice:
Convertible Car Seat | Maxi-Cosi Pri 70

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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Fall Activities for Families with Young Children

Fall Activities for Families with Young Children

Since sharing Sophia's capsule wardrobe last week for the fall, it gave me time to think about all the fall things I would love to do with her this year. Some of these we did last year and we want to keep doing them each year as a family tradition and other's we want to try to see how she will enjoy them and possibly adding those as a tradition as well.

Visit a pumpkin patch

I took Sophia to a few pumpkins patches last year around here at local churches but we also took her to a local farm that had a legit pumpkin patch and you get to choose your pumpkin from the field. It was the perfect opportunity to do a mini fall photo shoot with the hay and tractor and pumpkins but also this particular farm had a corn maze, petting zoo and a ton of games, slides and activities for kids to enjoy. This is definitely one that will be on our fall bucket list every year.

Take family photos

We decided to take our first family photos when Sophia was old enough to allow her personality to shine through on the camera which just happened to be in the fall last year but it worked out perfectly as we were able to use those photos for our Christmas cards. I loved how they came out and since baby boy will be arriving sometime in October, it'll be the perfect time for us to do an updated family photo and to use for Christmas cards again.

Carve/decorate pumpkins

We have done this in previous years with our nephews but Sophia was too young last year to carve or decorate pumpkins. Lately she has been loving stickers so our plan for this year is to get her a mini pumpkin and allow her to decorate it with stickers and maybe markers.

Go to a county or state fair

Anthony and I both grew up going to our county fair from our hometown and it is small enough to where it isn't overwhelming for a toddler although the county we live in now still has a pretty amazing county fair as well but for sentimental reasons we will probably only be taking our kids to our hometown county fair that way they can also enjoy it with their grandparents.

Read books about fall

I love books and I love that Sophia shows such a great interest in books therefore I always try to get her a book or two about the current season or any upcoming holidays or even as souvenirs from places we visit. This fall, I plan to read her Thank You, Dear God which is the perfect board book for infants to 4 year olds on teaching them how to be thankful. Another good book I debated on was One Little, Two Little, Three Little Pilgrims as this book is helpful in teaching counting and giving a little history lesson of Thanksgiving in a fun way but it is aimed more towards 3-8 year olds so this book will be on our list for next fall.

What are some of your family fall traditions?

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Monday, September 18, 2017

Bump Date | 34 Weeks with Baby No. Two

Bump Date | 34 Weeks with Baby No. Two

I decided to document our pregnancy as a way to get all my feelings and emotions out and to later look and remember this beautiful time in our lives while noticing the differences and similarities with our first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy if you decide to follow along on this life changing journey.

We had our 34 week appointment on Thursday and everything is still going good, praise the Lord. My blood pressure is normal, baby boy's heart rate was 142 and our doctor said she has a feeling he is going to be a big boy which honestly I wouldn't doubt with how heavy he is and because this belly just keeps growing and growing limiting what actually fits so you will find me rotating through the same things quite frequently until baby boy arrives.

The past few days, I have made a lot of progress on the hospital bag front but still have a lot more to go. What can I say, I am very particular about certain things and I definitely do over pack because I would rather be prepared. The baby's things are completely packed and fit into a sandwich ziploc bag, haha. Anthony's items are mainly packed besides his toiletries. I packed as much as I could for Sophia but most of her stuff will have to be a last minute packing thing so I jotted them down on a post-it for Anthony to be able to grab quickly. I still need to pack my entire list but I am honestly waiting on a few things in the mail so I am hoping they get here soon.

As for the baby, he is still moving quite a bit, not as much as before but still enough. A few times it felt as if he was doing summer-salts so I guess he is getting just as uncomfortable as I am at this point. I also started noticing I am leaking small amounts of colostrum already so my body is definitely getting ready for this baby and to be honest I am ready to be done with this pregnancy but I know how important these last few weeks of development are for the baby so I will not rush him out and God willing he will come naturally on his own.

More Bump Dates from this Pregnancy:
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