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Showing posts with label Baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

4 Uses for the DockATot

4 Uses for the DockATot

This post was created in partnership with DockATot but all thoughts and opinions are of my own.

By this point, I am sure the whole world knows about my love for DockATot. It truly is an amazing product that has made the biggest impact in our parenting lives. We first received the DockATot Grand when Sophia was 9 months old (read that review here) and the Grand also helped make our hospital labor and delivery easier since we wanted Sophia as involved as possible during the whole process of welcoming baby Anthony into the world (read that experience here). 

Now I cannot stop singing the praises of the DockATot Deluxe. We never planned to be a co-sleeping family, Sophia forced it upon us and once we found out we were expecting baby Anthony, I couldn't imagine him not sleeping with us but I knew the only way I would feel safest is if we had the DockATot Deluxe. But what makes the Deluxe so amazing is the versatility and the different ways you can use it so I am sharing four ways we make use of our DockATot Deluxe.

Quick Disclosure: We do not leave baby Anthony unattended in the DockATot while on an elevated surface (such as the bed or couch), I was only away long enough to quickly snap these photos.


The most obvious way is as a co-sleeper. I love that we are able to have baby Anthony in our bed and I can easily place my hand on his chest to ensure he is breathing (when Sophia was born I barely slept because I was constantly leaning over the bassinet to check her breathing status before she forced us to co-sleep). The bumpers/sides of the DockATot help prevent Anthony or me from rolling on top of baby Anthony and they also help baby Anthony feel snug and secure like he is still in the womb. So basically we are all sleeping easier because of the DockATot.


Another way we like to use the DockATot Deluxe is when we are around the house. Sophia loves playing with her toys all over the house and I love that I can easily carry the Deluxe to whichever room she wants to play in to have a place for baby Anthony to lounge in while we watch big sister play.

Tummy Time

During our play times with Sophia, we also use the DockATot for tummy time for baby Anthony so he can strengthen those neck muscles. We just put his arms and chest on the side of the bumpers and put toys in front of his line of vision. The bumpers help keep his chest up to prevent his head from hitting the ground or possibly smothering himself from not being able to lift his head.


Besides co-sleeping, this is my favorite use for the DockATot. My in-laws live about an hour away in the country and they do not drive to the city very often so we make almost weekly trips out there to visit them and stay for about 6 or more hours. Basically an entire day. Because the Deluxe is so compact (you could buy a heavy duty case here, we have one for Sophia's Grand and love it!), it travels very easily which makes nap-times at grandma and grandpa's successful 99% of the time. Baby Anthony gets to have the comfort and scent of his own bed wherever we go so he is guaranteed to always have a good sleep unless of course he is going through a growth spurt or teething but that's another story, haha.

 Do you have a DockATot? What are your favorite ways to use it?

Please feel free to share with your friends and family who would love the DockATot!

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Monday, October 30, 2017

Hospital Labor and Delivery with a Toddler

Hospital Labor and Delivery with a Toddler

This post was created in partnership with DockATot but all thoughts and opinions are of my own.

As I mentioned in my hospital bag post, we planned on Sophia staying with us in the hospital and we knew DockATot would be the only way to make that successful since her "bed" would be with her. We made this decision because I personally wanted Sophia to be as involved as possible during labor, delivery and recovery. 

Quick disclosure, these photos are staged since I obviously wasn't up for taking photos during labor and delivery and I forgot to make sure to ask anyone else to.

We arrived to the hospital around 6:40am and as you can imagine Sophia was still groggy from being woken up out of her sleep. We were able to lay her DockATot Grand on the sofa seat inside the delivery room and have her lay there and relax. 

To our surprise, Sophia was so amazingly calm and relaxed the entire time I was in labor and delivery and I truly believe bringing the DockATot with us to the hospital helped transition her to be in a new environment where a lot was going on that she didn't understand. It gave her a sense of security and comfort while she played with her tablet and relax.

We did run into some minor complications after delivery which postponed us being moved into the recovery area and at this point it became too much for Sophia to stay with us so Anthony took her home and put her to bed while he waited for my sister to go stay the night with her. Having the DockATot Transport Bag was amazing for all this back and forth as it made it easier for Anthony to carry it on his shoulders while also carrying the diaper bag and Sophia. 

We already knew our love for the DockATot Grand but this experience really reconfirmed for us that it is the best baby product that has made the biggest impact for us in making our parenting lives easier. And the DockATot Transport Bag made the transportation more convenient during this whole experience.

Did you have your toddler or children involved in the labor and delivery process of their sibling?

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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

New Mom Survival Bins | Breastfeeding Kit

New Mom Survival Bins | Breastfeeding Kit

Last year after having Sophia, I shared what I took from the hospital after my maternity stay but I also shared a few more tidbits at the end of that post and one of them was how I made care kits for around the house. One for pumping/breastfeeding, one for postpartum mom care, and another for extra feeding essentials for when Sophia started solids. I decided this time around I would go into more detail of what I actually put in each of those care kits and today I will focus on the breastfeeding/pumping kit I created to have near my nursing station.

Last time, I just used one of those small hospital tubs and I plan to use that again since it is free but I do have my eye on this diaper caddy from The Good Baby. It's made to be a portable diaper station but we personally use changing tables just because our floor is constantly a mess with our Labrador Retriever shedding constantly. Anyways, since I will be having a toddler running around I most likely won't be able to have a designated nursing area like I did when I nursed Sophia so my nursing station will most likely be more beneficial if it's portable and since The Good Baby caddy has handles it would make it easier to carry around the house from room to room while I'm trying to keep up with Sophia. But I just can't really justify buying it plus we do not have the money to spend on it if it isn't needed. I mean I rather spend $20 on going out to eat, haha. I will keep you updated if I decide it would be beneficial to buy it or not though but for now, I will go the free route.

So these are the items I like to keep nearby for when I am breastfeeding/pumping:
  • Breast Pump and parts (your insurance should provide this)
  • Breast pump bags
  • DIY Pumping Bra
  • Marker (to label the bags)
  • Water
  • Snacks
  • Nipple cream (I plan to use coconut oil this time around as needed)
  • Burp cloths (I use cloth diapers as burp cloths and for extra protection against leaky boobs) 
  • Breast pads
  • Milkies milk saver (this product is new to me but it is suppose to catch leaking milk from the opposite boob which I am excited about because no more wasted milk or having to pump while nursing)
  • Nursing pillow
It may be beneficial to set these stations up before you actually go into labor that way they are already ready for when you come home from the hospital however if you are going to be using the hospital bins like I plan to then you can't really set up until afterwards.

If you found this post helpful or know someone who would, please share it! I have made this pinnable image below to make it easier to share and pin!!

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Friday, October 6, 2017

Infant Wardrobe | What You Really Need

Infant Wardrobe | What You Really Need

After having one baby make it to toddlerhood and only using clothes she was gifted instead of splurging for more clothes, we found the magic number to make a capsule wardrobe work especially since babies are constantly growing the first year. These numbers are suggested for each sizing stage but ultimately it will vary per a child as some babies grow faster during certain stages then others. Also note that clothing before 6 months is typically in better condition since babies are not eating solids yet so those sizes typically stay nicer looking longer which allows you to rotate through them more often.

14 bodysuits/tops

My personal ratio would be around 10 bodysuits and 4 tops but really any combination of the two would work depending on your personal preference. Having 14 suits/tops allows you to be able to maybe make it to two weeks without washing clothes just depending on how much your little babe spits up or how many blow outs he or she may have but this amount will, at the very least, allow you to wash once a week instead of having to wash multiple times in one week.

2 rompers 

Rompers can be a great step up outfit than the typical bodysuit which is why I recommend having two in your baby's basic wardrobe. If you have a girl you could easily do 2 dresses instead of 2 rompers or 1 dress and 1 romper. Again, it is about your personal preference and style.

2-3 sleepers

For some reason, I see people recommend having like 7-10 sleepers but we did not find that many necessary at all, even with all the blowouts Sophia would have. We were able to make it fine with each sizing only having 2-3 and still only having to wash once a week. Also, I dressed Sophia everyday after waking up whereas I know some people do leave their baby in the sleeper all day so that could be the difference in why others suggest having so many. Therefore my suggestion would be to start off with 2-3 sleepers and see how your lifestyle goes from there with a new baby and add more to your collection as you see the need. 

3-4 pants/shorts

Having a few shorts or pants or even leggings and skirts will help complete the bodysuits and tops and making full outfits for when you are out of the house and you don't need a ton since you can just mix and match them.

1 sweater (season/location specific)

This item will depend on where you live geographically and what season it is. We live in South Texas and it does not get cool until maybe November so only 1 sweater is needed but really even then we could just get a long sleeve bodysuit or shirt and it would work just fine.

1 jacket (season/location specific)

Again, it just depends where you live and what season it is. We don't experience cold weather until January but even then there is no guarantee you will need an actual jacket because a sweater could work just fine. If you live in more colder regions, you may want more than 1 jacket that have difference thickness or even a full snowsuit. So just be mindful of where you live and what the weather is like and adjust your needs accordingly.

1-2 hats

Depending on the season, will determine what type of hat you may need for your baby. Is it summer? Then go with a sun hat to protect their head from being sunburned. Is it winter? Go with a beanie that covers their ears to keep their heads and ears warm. Are they a newborn? Most newborn sleepers come with cute matching newborn hats, just don't let them sleep with the hat as it could become a suffocation hazard if it slips off their head while sleeping.

1 pair of crib shoes

As you will notice, I don't have socks on the list because if you have crib shoes then socks aren't really needed. I recommend getting a neutral pair that can match with everything in the baby's wardrobe. We personally love Freshly Picked moccasins and it helps get baby use to having something on their feet so when they get older, you don't have to fight with them about having shoes on. Funny story is we actually have to fight with Sophia to take her shoes off because she wants to wear them ALL THE TIME. Which is a good problem to have.

Most importantly, just keep in mind of the climate and location and your personal lifestyle and adjust the numbers as needed. And keep in mind this list is for a capsule wardrobe, if you want to add more dresses and rompers or suit and ties then go for it!

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