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Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pregnancy. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Hospital Bag Checklist for a Family Four

Hospital Bag Checklist for a Family Four

The post was created in partnership with PinkBlush Maternity but all thoughts and opinions are of my own.

I think it would be best if I admit upfront that I like to be prepared while others may say I am an over packer. Being prepared sounds better but whatever. I am also slightly high maintenance therefore I do not depend on certain accommodations that hospitals or even hotels provide like toiletries. I have sensitive skin and I like what I like so there's that. Now that I have disclosed that to you all, here is what we packed for our hospital stay as a family of four (yes, we will have Sophia stay with us in the hospital, more on that in another post UPDATE 10/30/2017 read here).

UPDATED 10/5/2017 My doula suggested also packing a sports bra or a swimming top for myself and swimming trunks for Anthony, in case we decide to utilize the shower during the labor process.


Last time, I brought a simple button down night gown but this time around I decided a nursing bra and a hospital robe would be the easiest and most efficient thing to wear after I have the baby since I will be constantly checked in all private areas during my stay plus having less on will make it easier to also nurse my new little babe. And you can't go wrong with how beautiful this hospital robe from PinkBlush is as it will still make me feel put together and decent looking for visitors after pushing a human being out my lady parts. I also plan to wear it around the house once we are home as well because let's be honest who really wants to get dressed those first few weeks especially when you are nursing around the clock.

Also, I will be wearing the same shoes into the hospital that I plan to wear home to keep some of my packing to a minimum. The reason I am also packing non-slip flip flops is to use those in the shower so my bare feet are not touching the floor where countless women's bodily fluids touched. I also really like the mesh undies the hospital provides therefore I will not be packing any and I plan to take some home with me (see what I took from the hospital last time and what I plan to take again here).

The fuzzy socks will be much more comfortable then the ones the hospital provide and the nursing pillow will, of course, make nursing more comfortable by helping me support the new little babe.


  • a change of clothes (shirt, shorts, socks, boxers)
  • pajamas
  • toiletries
  • flip flops
  • house shoes
  • swim trunks (UPDATED 10/5/2017)

Since Anthony will be going back and forth between the house to care for our dog and allow Sophia to have a normal nap, he doesn't need to pack as much since he will be able to take care of his business during that time back at home.


  • going home outfit
  • socks

As you may have noticed, I kept baby's packing list to a minimum this time around. The hospital has everything you need for the baby.


  • c/o DockATot Grand and traveling bag
  • pajamas
  • change of clothes (shoes, socks, etc)
  • diapers
  • lovey
  • blanket
  • bottle/cups
  • snacks
  • sound machine

Most of the items on Sophia's list are her bedtime items as she will be going home daily with daddy for nap time while he takes care of our dog so she can get a fresh pair of clothes as needed.


  • Cell Phones & Chargers
  • iPad
  • Busy bags
    • lacers 
    • books 
    • sponge blocks
    • drawing pad
    • stickers
    • doodle pad 
  • Camera and Tripod

We decided we would take our own Fresh 48 photos this time around as I didn't find the price worth the quality we received from Sophia's Fresh 48 that the hospital provided last time. We will have more formal family photos done in a few weeks by our friend and photographer Nick.

How did you pack differently for each delivery? Did you pack more or less each time?

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Monday, October 2, 2017

Bump Date | 36 Weeks with Baby No. Two

Bump Date | 36 Weeks with Baby No. Two

I decided to document our pregnancy as a way to get all my feelings and emotions out and to later look and remember this beautiful time in our lives while noticing the differences and similarities with our first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy if you decide to follow along on this life changing journey.

This week has been exhausting. All three of us managed to get sick with a cold so just imagine a pregnant person, a toddler and a person who is always sick, sick at the same exact time. In a way, it was good we caught it before baby boy comes but it sure made this week challenging but we were fortunate enough that my sister made us chicken soup on Thursday and on Friday someone from our church also made us chicken soup as well as provided food for us to have for Saturday and Sunday. We are constantly amazed of the love we have surrounding us from not only our biological family but our church family as well.

Also this week, there were two late evenings or early mornings (around 3 am) where I thought I could have been in early labor. I had what felt like contractions for about 40 minutes one night and then nothing. On another night, I had contractions for about an hour, nothing for an hour and then a few more for about 40 minutes but then nothing after that. Oh what fun those two nights were.

I also stopped babysitting this week since I had late onset preeclampsia with Sophia at exactly 37 weeks, I didn't want to chance the mom having to find last minute childcare accommodations, just in case. We have our appointment tomorrow at exactly 37 weeks so I am a little nervous that I will have to be induced again. As much as I am ready, I would rather little man to come naturally and my body do what it was made to do but I do understand that sometimes our bodies work against us and the Lord provided doctors with the means of intervention for when it is necessary. I would still appreciate any and all prayers that intervention is not necessary this time around though.

As I was reading back on my bump date from Sophia at 36 weeks, I noticed we also started nesting at the exact same timing. What was suppose to be a simple wall repair in our master bedroom quickly turned into painting our walls and some of the trim as well as deep cleaning the pack n play and setting it up in our bedroom. We also installed the infant car seat back into the car.

I plan to take this week pretty easy for the most part besides finishing up my hospital bag today as well as take Sophia to a mommy and me program one last time before brother arrives. Tomorrow morning, I am going with my sister on her hospital tour (she is 34 weeks pregnant with her first baby) and I will have our 37 week appointment after that in the afternoon which will include an ultrasound and checking my lady bits. Hmm, that sounds like I'm busy already but once Wednesday hits, we don't have much planned unless baby boy makes his arrival early.

More Bump Dates from this Pregnancy:
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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Maternity Photoshoot | Baby Boy

Maternity Photoshoot | Baby Boy

This post was created in partnership with PinkBlush Maternity but all thoughts and opinions are of my own.

I decided to document our pregnancy as a way to get all my feelings and emotions out and to later look and remember this beautiful time in our lives while noticing the differences and similarities with our first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy if you decide to follow along on this life changing journey.

I am so happy to finally share our maternity pictures with you all. Hurricane Harvey first put a damper on the first date we were supposed to photograph these and then the next weekend, we were hit with rain again. Even the day we shot these, we were rained out of our shoot but we still managed enough time to get a few amazing photos in.

And can we talk about this PinkBlush Maternity dress for a second? I absolutely love how it is figure hugging as I really wanted a dress to show off this big ol' baby bump and the fact that it is nursing friendly is a double win since I will also be able to wear this dress postpartum (you know I am all about getting the most bang for my buck) and get to breastfeed my new little bundle of joy while looking nice either for church or any other formal event. 

As always, I can never think our friend and photographer Nick from LaPalomento Photography enough for always capturing these special moments in our lives.
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Monday, September 25, 2017

Bump Date | 35 Weeks with Baby No. Two

Bump Date | 35 Weeks with Baby No. Two

I decided to document our pregnancy as a way to get all my feelings and emotions out and to later look and remember this beautiful time in our lives while noticing the differences and similarities with our first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy if you decide to follow along on this life changing journey.

I can't believe we are already here at the end of this pregnancy but at the same time, I still feel like there is forever to go. This mama is tired and I just want to be able to hold baby boy in my arms and to lay on my back comfortably, haha. This week, I have been trying to take advantage as much as possible during Sophia's nap time to just take it easy and relax in bed. Thankfully with Anthony being home the last few months, it has helped tremendously to also take breaks throughout the day since he is here able to take over. I am not sure how I would be doing this if he wasn't home although I am sure we would have managed but it is nice not having to, if that makes sense.

Strangely enough, I have also been craving the hospital food. I really cannot wait to have their sandwiches for lunch and the oatmeal for breakfast. And honestly to have oatmeal in general without getting heartburn will be nice. This whole pregnancy, I have had to give up oatmeal because the heartburn is so bad and that is one of the easiest and my favorite breakfast foods.

Baby boy is still having consistent movements and I noticed the times I wake up to pee in the middle of the night are always around the exact same timing, 3:40ish am and between 4-5 am and again around 7-8 am. I normally fall asleep around 2-3 am due to discomfort and constantly peeing and waking up around 9 am for the day for reference of how much sleep I am actually getting. Around 4-5 am is when baby boy is going crazy in my tummy with summer salts and flips so it has me wondering if that is around the time I will go into labor. We have also noticed that Sophia has been strangely extra extra clingy and just acting strange with bath time and bed time so we wonder if she senses brother coming sooner than we think.

More Bump Dates from this Pregnancy:
Read the rest of the story »

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