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Friday, September 1, 2017

Newborn Essentials from a Second Time Mom

Newborn Essentials from a Second Time Mom

This post was created in partnership with DockATot, LILLEbaby, Ollie World and Binxy Baby but all thoughts and opinions are of my own.

When creating my list of must-haves for baby number two I was quite surprised by how small my list was which is a good thing. When I was pregnant with Sophia, I made sure to register for and purchase all expensive major baby products in gender neutral colors and patterns so we could pass on those things to our next little babe whether it would be another girl or a baby boy. And man, is it saving us so much money (or giving us more bang for our buck) that we do not need much this time around. Of course, that doesn’t mean there aren’t a million and one things I want but that’s for another day, haha.

DockATot Deluxe – The DockATot is a multi-functional lounger, co-sleeper and playtime lounger. The DockATot comes in two sizes, the Deluxe (0-8 Months) and the Grand (9-36 Months). We first heard about DockATot when Sophia was around a month old and we got the opportunity to try the DockATot Grand when she was 9 months old (read here). It was a game changer and helped her sleep so much better through the night so I knew with a second baby, we would need the DockATot Deluxe from the very beginning. We typically use the DockATot as a co-sleeper since we bed-share and the thick borders make it safe to do so. (If you use my referral link, you will receive $10 off all Docks)

LILLEbaby Baby Carrier – I absolutely love babywearing! Unfortunately, I didn’t get to start babywearing Sophia until she was around 9 months old since the carrier we had didn’t properly support her head and neck or hips. When I finally bought a woven wrap for our New York trip, I fell in love with babywearing that I started looking into more baby carriers because I wanted to have the versatility to wear my babies in different ways for different reasons so I was excited when I heard about LILLEbaby and to be given the opportunity to try out two of their carriers, the soft structured carrier and the ring sling. I chose the LILLEbaby Complete since it will allow us to wear Sophia or the new baby in 6 different carrying positions. I also like the idea of having a soft structured carrier because it is easier for Anthony to wear either kid as well without having to worry how to wrap or adjust a woven wrap or a ring sling properly. I also chose a ring sling wrap from LILLEbaby because I love the lighter material it provides and it isn’t as intricate as a woven wrap so again I just love being able to have versatility in wearing my babies through all their stages and the seasons. And it’s becomes part of your outfit so it is nice to have options in accessories, haha.

Sophie the Giraffe – I am pretty sure everyone has heard all the rage about the Sophie the Giraffe teether but I also know once you see the price for it, there is hesitation. There was for us. But we still bought it and gave it a try and I am so glad we did. It is the only teether Sophia has ever had and used. It is that good. So think of how much money you spend buying those $2-$3 teethers and you probably bought about 10-15 to find the right one with no luck. Well you just spent the same amount of money on various others teethers when you can spend that same amount or less for just one teether. Also, if you follow the proper cleaning and care instructions that come with your Sophie you won’t have any mold issues. That whole situation really is a user error and not a product error.

The Ollie World Swaddle – I am super excited to try this swaddle out. Newborn babies have a moro reflex, or a startle reflex, that can wake them if they are sleeping so swaddling a newborn baby helps the baby feel secure and to not wake up. Sophia always broke at least one hand out of her swaddles (we used standard cotton swaddles and muslin swaddles) and would wake up every time she had a startle reflex. The Ollie Swaddle has velcro closure on the sides that help keep the Ollie secure and it has easy access to change diapers through the opening at the bottom which allows for diaper changes without having to unswaddle and reswaddle.  (If you use my referral link, you will receive 10% off all products at Ollie World - offer expires 09/07/2017)

Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock – Having a newborn and a toddler doesn’t leave much room in a shopping cart when you have to get out to the store so I am excited to be able to try out the Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock. You strap the hammock onto the cart and you can place either your carseat (no waking the baby, yay!) onto the Binxy hammock or you can put your infant in the hammock as there is a buckle for either way you decide to use it. This is definitely a product I wish I had with just one kid but so glad I found it now that I will be having two! (If you use my referral link, you will receive 10% off all products at Binxy Baby)

Since some of these products are new to me, I will be doing a more in depth review of each one once we get to try them out with baby boy. Crazy to think we only have about 8 weeks left, give or take!!
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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Breastfeeding Essentials

Breastfeeding Essentials

When Sophia was first born, I wasn't as prepared as I would have liked when it came to breastfeeding. I was induced three weeks early due to preeclampsia (read her birth story here) and I thought I had more time to get what I needed but birth doesn't always go as planned so you just roll with it. 

You really just need milk making tissue to breastfeed if I'm being honest but there are products that make breastfeeding a lot easier especially in those first few weeks when you and your new bundle of joy are trying to get on the same beat. Therefore, I put together a list of breastfeeding essentials that I think will make this dance a little easier.

1. Nursing Pillow - Nursing pillows are great support for your arms when holding that little babe up to nurse at the breast but it can also support your arms if you bottle feed as well. I also heard that a nursing pillow is great if you have a C-Section as it can help relieve the pressure on your incision site when you are holding your baby. The one I have is discontinued but the Boppy Nursing Pillows are the most popular on the market. Plus, you can find tons of small shops that make custom slip covers that can fit your taste and nursery decor.

2. Milkies Milk-Saver - I have just heard about this product and I can not believe I didn't know about this sooner. I was a leaky mess with Sophia. So bad that I had to stuff my bra with cloth diapers and I still leaked through those. Imagine how much milk I could have saved if I would have had this!? It is definitely a must have now that I know about it.

3. Womanly Art of Breastfeeding - If you have been around my blog, you know my love for this book. I even did a book review here. It is a must have for any momma considering breastfeeding as it is super informative and helps debunk a lot of the misconceptions there is out there on breastfeeding.

4. Washable Nursing Pads - As I mentioned, I leaked a lot when I breastfed Sophia however not everyone leaks a crazy amount like I did, in fact some women don't leak at all but in case you do leak, having washable nursing pads available are helpful to prevent having wet spots on your shirt. I have the Medela ones and they are extremely soft and they come with a laundry bag which helps reduce the chances of losing one. I also use the laundry bag to contain them in the diaper bag.

5. Nipple Cream - I used the samples my hospital provided and those lasted me so I never had to invest in nipple cream but also I didn't need to use the nipple cream as much as other breastfeeding moms did. I guess constantly leaking helped prevent me from get dried out nipples. However, I am planning to use Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil if I do need a cream for my nipples this time around since I already have it on hand and it is natural compared to lanolin. I also use coconut oil to moisturize my growing tummy - I did this for my pregnancy with Sophia and now with baby boy. Plus one container has lasted me an entire pregnancy and some so more bang for your buck going this route.

6. Nursing Bra/Tank - I have used nursing tanks, nursing sleep bras, nursing sports bra, and everyday nursing bras however I still haven't found the perfect everyday nursing bra yet so I am on the hunt for one and actually plan to write a post going into more depth of why you need different types of nursing bras. For the mean time, any nursing bra will work and help make breastfeeding easier. I have heard great things about the Bravado brand (I plan to try them out next) so maybe start there.

More Breastfeeding Resources:
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Monday, August 28, 2017

Bump Date | 31 Weeks with Baby No. Two

Bump Date | 31 Weeks with Baby No. Two

I decided to document our pregnancy as a way to get all my feelings and emotions out and to later look and remember this beautiful time in our lives while noticing the differences and similarities with our first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy if you decide to follow along on this life changing journey.

Well we are in the midst of a storm, we began preparing last Wednesday and grabbed groceries and plenty of water bottles. We debated evacuating but at this point, we are just going to wait it out and take it hour by hour. However, I couldn't allow the storm to prevent me from documenting this gift of life growing inside of me. In the midst of a natural disaster or any unfortunate circumstance, it is easy to dwell on the bad but the Lord is good. He is sovereign and in control in all circumstances.

Maybe it's the storm but I have had better energy again this week which I am thankful for. I am feeling every little movement from baby boy as he moves around, it's pretty evident he is running out of room in there. I can feel his limbs push out on the side of my belly which is cool and creepy at the same time. Also, I have been trying to take advantage of all the cuddles and hugs from Sophia before we have to figure out the dividing of attention between her and baby boy.

I also have been showing her how to rock and pat her teddy bears which she looks so adorable doing, it just melts my heart. We are planning to get her a baby doll as her big sister gift so she can be somewhat involved by taking care of her baby while momma takes care of baby brother.

More Bump Dates from this Pregnancy:
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Friday, August 25, 2017

Common Misconceptions of Breastfeeding

Common Misconceptions of Breastfeeding

Disclaimer: This post is not intended to start a debate of whether or not breast is best. It is meant as an encouragement for those who choose the breastfeeding route or are considering breastfeeding. However you decide to feed your baby is your own personal decision.

Too many times before and during my own breastfeeding journey, I would listen to friends and family members share their breastfeeding experience. I came to realize how uninformed mothers actually are when it comes to breastfeeding, even those who have successfully breastfed to their goal. This honestly is heartbreaking that a number of women lack the wisdom and knowledge of their bodies and how their body works for them majority of the time. This is where #normalizebreastfeeding comes in and having an International Breastfeeding Week and a National Breastfeeding Month. It is not to shame moms who choose not to breastfeed, although I am aware there are those people out there who do but not all of us are doing that when we share our knowledge or use the hashtag.

Normalizing breastfeeding is about informing the world, men and women, that breastfeeding is a natural biological act between a mother and an infant. It is also about setting straight the misconceptions that are out there concerning breastfeeding that discourage moms from continuing their breastfeeding journey. A lot of that discouragement comes from our family members and friends, unfortunately, because they "couldn't" breastfeed due to xyz. The discouragement comes from our health care providers who may have little to no training in breastfeeding.

Almost all have good intentions and want you to be successful in your breastfeeding journey but their lack of knowledge prevents them from actually helping you. Therefore, I wanted to share the common misconceptions I am constantly hearing from those around me to help spread the proper knowledge so mothers can be fully informed and make their decision based on facts, not myths. After all, breastfeeding is a personal decision and is always up to the mother as they are the only one who knows their baby best.

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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

How to Encourage Your Kids to be Tidy

How to Encourage Your Kids to be Tidy

Last week on my Instagram, I shared in my instastories of how we always clean up twice a day - before nap-time and before bedtime - and I received a lot of interest and feedback of how we manage to have Sophia help with clean up. I have also gotten compliments from our church nursery workers of how helpful Sophia is at straightening up so I decided to share some tips on how to encourage your kids to be tidy.

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Monday, August 21, 2017

Bump Date | 30 Weeks with Baby No. Two

Bump Date | 30 Weeks with Baby No. Two

I decided to document our pregnancy as a way to get all my feelings and emotions out and to later look and remember this beautiful time in our lives while noticing the differences and similarities with our first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy if you decide to follow along on this life changing journey.

It is so hard to still believe we are at the end of this pregnancy but at the same time I feel like there is still so much longer to go, haha. I definitely wouldn't rush it though, I know baby boy needs his time to finish developing and praying that he makes his arrival on his own time, God willing. 

We did have our 30 week check-up and everything is still normal and heading in the right direction. I am feeling lots of tightening and minor cramping but my doctor said that is normal especially since baby boy is running out of room. You can feel his limbs or some part of his body, I am not sure what part, poking out as he moves around. Also, I mentioned having contraction like feelings when I go to the restroom but they do go away after I am finished and she said that was also normal as long as they stop. 

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Friday, August 18, 2017

Nursing Twins through Challenges | Brittany's Journey

Nursing Twins through Challenges | Brittany's Journey

Last week, I shared simple ways to increase your chances of being successful at breastfeeding however even then there are still roadblocks that may come up in your breastfeeding journey. Today, I asked Brittany to share her breastfeeding journey with her twin daughters and she knows all about those roadblocks but she got the proper help and support she needed and persevered. Read more below to hear the challenges she faced and how she overcame them.

We were sitting in Barnes and Noble drinking our coffees from the Starbucks inside, his regular and mine decaf because I was 30 weeks pregnant, reading books we picked out to skim over while we drank them. This was a common date for Erik and me. Inexpensive, quiet. He was reading something about an athlete and I was reading The Nursing Mother’s Companion by Kathleen Huggins. “Oh my gosh, Erik! Did you know that colostrum coats the baby’s intestines so they’re less likely to develop common illnesses most babies face? RSV, ear infections, etc?!” I was so mind blown. “That alone makes me want to breastfeed,” I said to him.

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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Baby Girl Nursery | Sources

Baby Girl Nursery | Sources

I am finally back with the sources for Sophia's Nursery since I got antsy and wanted to share the room as soon as possible, haha. I am absolutely thrilled with how this little girl's nursery turned out but it wouldn't have been possible without all the wonderful gifts and monetary gifts from our loving friends and family. Their generosity over the last year or so is what made this room possible!

I tried to source everything as much as possible but there were certain things I just couldn't find the exact link to or I wasn't satisfied with any similar items. If you have any questions, ask me in the comments and I will respond as soon as I can. And please feel free to pin and share this room on your social media, we are so proud of how it turned out!

 Crib | Amazon
Crib Sheets | Amazon
Kites | DIY
Quilt | Etsy
Corner Shelves | Target
Pink Vase | Hobby Lobby (similar)
Mermaid Statue | Hobby Lobby
Rainbow Stacker | Amazon

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Monday, August 14, 2017

Bump Date | 29 Weeks with Baby No. Two

Bump Date | 29 Weeks with Baby No. Two

I decided to document our pregnancy as a way to get all my feelings and emotions out and to later look and remember this beautiful time in our lives while noticing the differences and similarities with our first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy if you decide to follow along on this life changing journey.

To think it wasn't possible for me to get more tired and uncomfortable. This week was definitely a rough week where I wanted to (and did) stay in bed majority of the day. I am still trying to follow my previous pregnancy bedtime routine and it helps some and as I mentioned in my 28 Week Update, I did try 30 minutes of Yoga and that did help tremendously on that day. I was very sore in the groin area the next day so I took it easy and skipped Yoga for two days as I was told you can still over due it even if it's just simple stretching. Despite my discomfort and exhaustion, I love feeling all these kicks and movements from baby boy. Although I have to pee a billion times a day and sometimes I feel like a boulder is sitting on my lungs, his kicks remind me that he is there and growing stronger.

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Friday, August 11, 2017

Simple Ways to Increase Your Chances of Being Successful at Breastfeeding

Simple Ways to Increase Your Chances of Being Successful at Breastfeeding

Disclaimer: This post is not intended to start a debate of whether or not breast is best. It is meant as an encouragement for those who choose the breastfeeding route or are considering breastfeeding. However you decide to feed your baby is your own personal decision.

Happy National Breastfeeding Month! That's right, August is National Breastfeeding month and was proclaimed so by the United States Breastfeeding Committee in 2011. In honor of this, I decided to dedicate a mini series for the month of August to help support and encourage breastfeeding moms and moms who are considering breastfeeding. Keep in mind, I am not an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), my tips are strictly from my personal experience along with my personal research. 

If you are new here, I wrote about my breastfeeding journey with my daughter Sophia whom I breastfed for about 15 months in case you are interested in why I decided to breastfeed since I rarely witnessed it growing up and struggling to continue to breastfeed while pregnant with baby number two. Since I was determined to be successful at breastfeeding, I followed these simple steps that helped me be successful. I was fortunate to not encounter any major stumbling blocks like many nursing moms do such as a tongue-tie, nursing strike or anything else of the sort so if you are experiencing any problems with breastfeeding or just not sure about your milk supply, latch or anything else, I do highly suggest contacting an IBCLC (find a local one here).

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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Bump Date | 28 Weeks with Baby No. Two

Bump Date | 28 Weeks with Baby No. Two

I decided to document our pregnancy as a way to get all my feelings and emotions out and to later look and remember this beautiful time in our lives while noticing the differences and similarities with our first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy if you decide to follow along on this life changing journey.

We are officially in the third trimester!! Almost at the finish line so I decided it was yet time again to start doing my bump dates in a weekly format as once my third trimester is over, I will be too busy figuring out life as a mom to a newborn and a toddler. Along with sharing my updates on this ever growing baby bump, I may also include my third trimester style within these weekly updates if and when I find the energy to actually get dressed. You are also more then welcomed to follow me on Instagram as I am on there daily.

As I mentioned in my second trimester update, my energy level didn't completely return and in fact it started slowly dwindling again. I am constantly tired but sciatic nerve pain keeps me awake late into the night. I have tried to start a similar bedtime routine like I had when I was pregnant with Sophia and sometimes that seems to help. I also plan to start doing about 30 minutes of Yoga during the day to see if that kind of helps. When I was pregnant with Sophia, Yoga stretches were apart of my bedtime routine but I think I would benefit having it as part of a mid-day routine this time around while Sophia is napping.

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Monday, August 7, 2017

Second Trimester | Baby Ramirez 2017

Second Trimester | Baby Ramirez 2017

I decided to document our pregnancy as a way to get all my feelings and emotions out and to later look and remember this beautiful time in our lives while noticing the differences and similarities with our first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy if you decide to follow along on this life changing journey.

While I regained some energy and the nausea went away, my heartburn has continued on and off depending on my diet. The sciatic nerve pain has started sooner and I believe I even started having Braxton Hicks around 20 weeks plus I have become uncomfortable a lot sooner in this pregnancy than with my first. Overall, this pregnancy is proving to be different in so many ways.
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Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sophia's Nursery Tour

Sophia's Nursery Tour

The time has finally come my friends to share Sophia's nursery with you all. It's funny that this journey started in December of 2015 with a goal to be finished by March 2016, ha. That clearly did not happen as we are already more than halfway through 2017. All in all, I am sort of glad that it took this long to complete as it gave me time to finalize certain details that I was unsure of without feeling rushed to do so. The biggest reasoning for taking so long with this room is simply put, budget. You can find the full source list here!

Although I must admit, we only spent about $100 on this room. How? Everything was gifted or was purchased with gift cards or monetary gifts Sophia received from our baby showers, Christmas and her first birthday. So my biggest advice for anyone designing a nursery or a toddler room is to save up those gift cards and monetary gifts to be used where actually needed. Sophia has plenty of toys and clothes that she is gifted throughout the year that we rarely need to spend any of those monetary gifts on those items.

I hope you guys enjoy this peek into our home as this is a room I truly love spending time in and I enjoyed every minute designing it and styling it.

Gallery Wall here | Kite Tutorial here

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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Surviving a Summer Pregnancy

Surviving a Summer Pregnancy

Thank you PinkBlush for collaborating with me on this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are of my own.

When I was pregnant with Sophia, I was lucky enough to not have to endure a full summer of pregnancy and I actually joked that Anthony and I would have to work on our timing for any future pregnancies so that I wouldn't have to go through summer being pregnant. Of course, I was halfway kidding as we know all too well that the Lord is in control no matter how much planning or cycle/fertility tracking you may do. 

It may be August already but with plenty more summer to go especially when you live in Texas it's pretty much summer once winter ends and technically we don't even really have a winter, it's more of a limbo season. Between summer and summer, haha. Anyways, I figured I have had enough experience in our Texas humidity and summer to know how to survive the rest of summer during my pregnancy and wanted to share it with you guys. If you have any additional tips, be sure to leave a comment below.

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Thursday, July 27, 2017

How to Make a Gallery Wall

How to Make a Gallery Wall

Hey guys! I am back for a second time this week, can you believe I was able to do two posts in one week? Let's see if I am able to keep up with it. Anyways, I decided to share the method it took for me to finalize a gallery wall for Sophia's nursery.

For the longest I didn't know what I wanted to do above the dresser in Sophia's nursery but when Shutterfly offered a free 16x20 print, I knew I should do a gallery wall. I didn't know exactly how I wanted it or if I would include only pictures or a mixture of prints, pictures and printables. I did know I wanted to include her birth stats in some form though. Well then I got another offer from Shutterfly for another free 16x20 which I initially thought I would gift to my in-laws but when I received the picture I was too in love to give it up, haha.

Once I knew I would use two 16x20 pictures for the wall, I instantly had an idea of what the gallery wall would look like and initially came up with this layout:

It would include the two 16x20 prints, a wood slice with Sophia's birth stats engraved and a printable or a custom wooden sign of Psalm 139:14a. Once I started staging the frames with the two prints to get sizing for the other two items, I realized this layout wouldn't work as my proportions in my head were clearly off scale. So back to the drawing board and scouring Pinterest for inspiration. I fell in love with the contained layout of a gallery:

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Monday, July 24, 2017

Two Ways to Wear a Striped Dress

Two Ways to Wear a Striped Dress

Thank you PinkBlush for collaborating with me on this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are of my own.

Hey guys! I just couldn't wait to share this dress from PinkBlush with you guys as it is extremely soft and comfortable to be in which I think is important for maternity clothes but even more so you want your maternity clothes to be versatile since you are only in them for a short season which is why I am sharing two different ways you can wear this striped dress.

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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

First Family Vacation | New York

First Family Vacation | New York

Hey guys! So today's post has been a long time coming. Like 9 months coming. About the time it takes to gestate a baby coming. Although I have a baby gestating as we speak, that's not what today's post is about. It's about our trip to New York... last Fall. 

In my defense, a lot has happened since we got back from our family vacation to New York. First there was the holidays then I started babysitting on top of planning my cousin's daughter's first birthday party, then I planned Sophia's first birthday party and that's about the time pregnancy took over my body and I haven't had much energy since, haha. I debated waiting to do our trip recap as one year anniversary reminisce type thing but I will be almost in labor at that point and will probably still never get around to it which is why it brings us to today.

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Friday, July 7, 2017

Gender Reveal | Baby Ramirez 2017

Gender Reveal | Baby Ramirez 2017

I decided to document our pregnancy as a way to get all my feelings and emotions out and to later look and remember this beautiful time in our lives while noticing the differences and similarities with our first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy if you decide to follow along on this life changing journey.

After having a Gender Reveal for our first pregnancy (see here), there was no way I couldn't do one for this little babe as well. I know the norm is typically going all out for your first and coasting through with any other pregnancies but it just didn't sit right with me and I want this baby to see that we love it just as much as we love Sophia regardless of what order they were born in.

However it was tough deciding how exactly we wanted to do the reveal this time around. If you remember with Sophia, I had it planned for years before we even were pregnant. We played with different ideas such as throwing a softball since I played on a softball league during my first trimester or somehow incorporating it with basketball since that is Anthony's favorite sport to play. We even thought of doing it the exact same way of Sophia's Gender Reveal but decided against that as we wanted it to be different.

The ideas we ultimately went back and forth with were with silly string or smoke bombs. Smoke bombs would have been perfect, in our opinion, if we were going to have the party closer to Fourth of July. Also, I let Anthony take the lead on this reveal since he didn't have any say so in the first and he had a vision in his mind of having everyone included by spraying the silly string with us to reveal whether Baby Ramirez 2017 was a he or she. I'll stop my rambling now and share the amazing moment of finding out.

The Reveal

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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Sophia's Carnival Birthday Party

Sophia's Carnival Birthday Party

Hey guys! Sophia is now fifteen months old and I am barely getting around to sharing her carnival themed first birthday party. Typically, you hear parents are so stressed out during the planning stages and during the actual party and I must say I don't remember being stressed at all during the party. I enjoyed every second of it as my vision for Sophia's first party came to life. Some may say we went over board but can you really for a little princess? Haha. I'm sure you can but it was so worth it to us to have this beautiful memory of our babygirl turning one. If your interested, I will be sharing all the sources at the end of the post.

If you have been following along here long then you know I do monthly updates on Sophia (which I need to get one together for her fifteen month update), and I wanted to display those photos at her party to take everyone down memory lane of how much our sweet girl has grown in just a year.

The design of this cake was the starting point for my vision and I am so glad our cake lady brought it to life so perfectly (check the end of the post for her contact info).

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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

First Trimester | Baby Ramirez 2017

First Trimester | Baby Ramirez 2017

I decided to document our pregnancy as a way to get all my feelings and emotions out and to later look and remember this beautiful time in our lives while noticing the differences and similarities with our first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy if you decide to follow along on this life changing journey.

My first trimester was more of the stereotypical which was the total opposite of my pregnancy with Sophia (read more here). This time around I had fatigue, heartburn, nausea, food aversions, sore nipples which made breastfeeding fun (read more about my breastfeeding experience with Sophia here). I even started to wear maternity pants immediately although I could have gotten by with regular pants for a little while longer but maternity ones are much more comfortable so I thought what the heck.

I guess I was so preoccupied with taking care of Sophia 24/7 and babysitting another baby for a few hours each day that I didn't really have time to think about fear as much as I did when I was pregnant with Sophia. Of course, fear still came but it was different fear than just potentially miscarrying but also financial situations and our living situation (one situation has been fixed but the other is still looming around our heads, adulting is hard sometimes). Mostly it was just hard to grasp that another baby was actually growing inside of me with the craziness of life and a toddler.

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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Dream Lifestyle

Dream Lifestyle

As some of you may know, I have begun reading the Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I have heard so many great things about this book and how it has truly helped others get rid of the clutter in their homes and become more organized. 

Before moving into our current house, I was a very organized person. Everything had a place and there was an exact method to my cleaning process (my mom taught me well) but when you have other house guests that do not share those organizational and cleaning skills (my grandmother had her own way of doing things and Anthony caught on shortly after moving in together years ago), it becomes tiring to keep up with someone else's constant mess. It definitely has prepared me for a toddler who leaves cheerios in every nook and cranny however it also allows me to teach Sophia at an early age how to pick up after yourself and put it back once you finished playing with something (we have been doing this since she was born) especially since she is at the age of copying everything mommy is doing. 

But what happens when things do not have a place to go? I have boxes in our garage from our move from FOUR years ago that I still have no idea where to put the contents in those boxes. I also have two boxes in my coat closet, one is my craft stuff and the other is my books and photo albums. We use to have shelves at our old house but this house we do not so there they all sit. I never had a proper space for my craft items so they have remained in bags or boxes even before the move but thinking of organizing it gives me a headache and I have been avoiding it all together.

So here I am on my journey of the magic of tidying up. There are two steps: declutter and find where to put what you keep. However, you have to declutter first. Easy. But before you begin to declutter, Marie asks you to ask yourself: what type of lifestyle do you dream.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

My Breastfeeding Journey with Sophia

My Breastfeeding Journey with Sophia

Before a few years ago, I never gave much thought into breastfeeding. I was so accustomed to seeing my family use formula that I didn't really understand that there was another option. In my entire life before pregnancy (so about 20+ years), I have only seen breastfeeding twice. The first time I witnessed it was from the movie "Me, Myself and I" and of course they perverted the act of breastfeeding and the second time I witnessed breastfeeding was when a family friend breastfed her baby boy when I was in high school. 

As Motherhood came in my mind more and more (before I was pregnant), I decided I would breastfeed just because of the simple fact that it was free and formula is expensive. I had no other knowledge about breastfeeding besides it being free and that sometimes you don't make enough (this is actually a common misconception of breastfeeding as only 2% of women in the ENTIRE WORLD actually cannot produce enough milk, if you are struggling with breastfeeding, it is highly suggested you seek help from a LICENSED lactation consultant as they can troubleshoot what is really going on)

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Life Changing | Vol. 2

Life Changing | Vol. 2

I decided to document our pregnancy as a way to get all my feelings and emotions out and to later look and remember this beautiful time in our lives while noticing the differences and similarities with our first pregnancy. I hope you enjoy if you decide to follow along on this life changing journey.

There I was again sitting on the floor in the closet waiting for the results to pop up on that screen, Anthony was in the kitchen with Sophia. When pregnant popped up, I couldn't believe my eyes. Here we already have a beautiful 11 month old daughter and the Lord would gift us with another life growing inside of me and we didn't have to wait years like with Sophia. 

I walked out the room trying so hard to not have a big kool-aid smile as to not give away to Anthony what the results were. I walked into Sophia's room where Evelynn, our one year old cousin, was playing and I called Anthony in there.

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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Ten Month Update | Little Love

Ten Month Update | Little Love

My sweet baby, how time keeps flying. I wish I had more time but instead, I will do the best I can to make the time we do have truly count. I love you more than you could ever know or I could ever express.

Ten Month Stats
Weight: ???
Height: ???
 Head Circumference: ???

Standing for a few seconds at a time
Shows understanding of colors & shpaes
Can sort through pairs
Opening and closes hand
Opens cabinets
First Christmas
First New Years

First Foods
Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Possibly saying "baba" for Babcia
Possibly saying "moe" for more food

Red Shark and Blue Dolphin Bath toys
Wooden blocks
blue cyclinders
Giraffe and alligator puzzle pieces

Bo for bye
Mimics tone of "thank you"

What I Want to Remember
How she pats Mommy in the morning to play
Her giggles
Wakes up in good moods in the Morning
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Thursday, February 16, 2017

Remembering Milestones with Milestone World

Remembering Milestones with Milestone World

This post was created in partnership with Milestone World but all thoughts and opinions are of my own.

Hey guys! It's been a while since we last chatted. Let me explain my absence a bit. If you remember from this post I gave extra income ideas as I was playing with ways to make money since our family was downsizing to one income. Obviously when Sophia was born that happened. 

At the beginning of this year, I started babysitting at home and it has been a challenge as I'm use to Sophia's independence and when I finally have a breather I just want to curl up on the couch with a good book which is what I have been doing (many book reviews to come). However this has gotten me behind on my monthly updates of Sophia.

My little girl is 11 months old and I need to type up her 10 month post for last month and her 11 month post for this month and take her 11 month photo update.

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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Reading List | Spring 2017

Reading List | Spring 2017

I have been wanting to put together a reading list for the year but I still am not certain of all the books I want to read so I decided to break this up by season: spring, summer and fall.

You will notice I didn't include winter because if we are being honest, Houston doesn't know what winter is at least not in the last few years, haha.

Anyways, the books on this list should get me from now until May and if I stick with my intention of reading 12 books in a year than that leaves me with reading 5 books in this season. I have already started one which is One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp and I am blown away by this book. Kinda kicking myself for never buying it sooner as I have wanted it for years now. I will go into more detail about this book when I do a book review as I am planning on doing when I finish each book (I still owe y'all a book review for the Baby Led Weaning book as well).

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Dinner with HelloFresh

Dinner with HelloFresh

This post is sponsored by HelloFresh but all thoughts, opinions, and adorable baby are of my own.

Imagine me loading up a 91 year old woman and a 9 month old baby to take a trip to the grocery store because that is what literally happens every other week. Sometimes I make a list, sometimes I don't, it is what it is. One of two things happen, I either forget an ingredient and I absolutely will not reload everyone back up for just one or two items, or I overbuy because why don't they sell fresh cilantro in sticks?? Like I do not need the whole thing, I need maybe a handful of leaves but that is it and I am done. I have even tried growing my own cilantro (remember my garden box? Yeah nothing survived).

That is where HelloFresh comes in, they provide you with all fresh ingredients AND they plan the recipes. That Pinterest board that you and I have overflowing of recipes we have never tried, yeah well now you can try new recipes without worrying about finding one and than having to shop for the ingredients.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Bedtime Routine with DockATot

Bedtime Routine with DockATot

This post was created in partnership with DockATot but all thoughts, opinions and night sleeping are of my own.

Once upon a time, there was a baby who did not like her mother to sleep. She needed to be near her mother and felt the need to wake up every one to two hours to ensure her mother was near. This little baby was my daughter, Sophia.

There was a time when she did sleep and only woke up twice to nurse in the middle of the night but after our vacation, time change, sickness and a new tooth, Sophia decided to act like a newborn again. When she was a new born I coveted the DockATot but I honestly didn't feel comfortable spending the money not knowing if it really worked or not.

However, this momma was desperate for sleep when Sophia's sleep regression stepped in. DockATot did provide me with my DockATot Grand but I am really kicking myself for not using all those Visa gift cards in the beginning to start off with the DockATot Deluxe. I think it would have saved me many nights of sleep lost.

For the past month, we have been doing the same nighttime routine almost every night and Sophia sleeps approximately five hours before waking for her first nighttime feeding.

Side Note: I have always purposely not followed our routine at least once a week because I do not want Sophia to become too dependent on routine to the point that she cannot fall asleep otherwise so we shake up the routine at least once a week.

After dinner, Anthony usually has one on one playtime with Sophia in her room and once we notice she is getting sleepy (rubbing eyes, overly whining, etc), we know it is time to start our bedtime routine. We do not have specific times or an amount of time we do any one thing, we follow Sophia's cues to know when to start or stop something within our routine. This is something we have found that works best for us and our daughter.


Anthony and I take turns on who will bathe her. Whoever is not doing bathtime, is preparing the rooms for bedtime such as turning lights off, turning on lullaby music, setting up humidifier, undoing bed, getting out pjs, etc.

The one who is bathing her allows her to play in the tub after washing (we only wash her hair once a week due to cradle cap and this has helped tremendously).

We try to always take her out on a good note as we had a bathtime regression for a few weeks where she hated baths and mommy had to bathe with her so now we sing and play and watch her carefully to be sure to take her out before she is fussy.


The same person who bathes her also dries her off, puts on a fresh diaper and her pajamas. If the house still isn't ready, she is distracted for a bit.


Anthony and I take turns reading a daily devotional to her from my childhood devotional book. Sometimes I nurse Sophia during our devotional and sometimes I do not, it just depends on how tired or fussy she is. For the most part, we can do this without nursing.

Nursing and Lullabies

Anthony turns off the light in the nursery while I rock Sophia in our rocking chair and I nurse her to sleep. FYI, I know there is controversy over nursing to sleep but this is what works for my family at the moment and we are perfectly okay with that.

I use to check my social media, catch up on blog stuff, etc. while I nursed her but I noticed the light would distract her from falling asleep no matter how dim I have it so now I put my headphones on and tune in to a podcast (I am currently listening to Read-Aloud Revival and A Delectable Education).


Sophia is typically asleep by time I finish a podcast episode so I will text Anthony to come help me move from the nursery to our room. I take the headphones off and leave my phone on the end table in the nursery and Anthony grabs the iPad that is playing the lullaby music and follows behind me to our room.

The DockATot is in the middle of our bed and I lay Sophia down in it as Anthony puts the iPad on our nightstand. Every once in awhile, she will wake up during the transition so one of us will try to get her back to sleep.

We started this whole routine in November (and we actually use to follow this routine before our vacation expect Sophia would put herself to sleep) and received our DockATot in December. It wasn't until we started using the DockATot that we saw real progress for how she use to sleep before the regression. The first night in it, Sophia slept six, S-I-X, hours and the next day she napped for a whole hour and a half in it (nap regression is a whole other story).

Now I seriously cannot imagine life without our DockATot and I am really wishing we would have gotten it sooner. Thank you DockATot for giving this momma and daddy more sleep!

Have you tried the DockATot? What does your bedtime routine look like?

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Friday, January 6, 2017

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